Why are the cultural marxists really canceling Dr. Seuss?


The effort on the ‘woke’ left to ban Dr. Seuss would be ridiculous if it weren’t for the possibility that they could be successful.

The leftists’ ‘cancel culture’ is branding Dr. Seuss as racist, even though he was a liberal who penned books designed to end racism. So what’s this really about?

It’s about destroying American culture.

The Marxists want not only Seuss destroyed but also Shakespeare, classic movies, and even math. They especially hate Christians and the Bible. The deconstruction-minded left sees it as hate speech. Christians and patriots are seen as terrorists and they must be silenced and replaced with transexual celebrations. They want American culture destroyed so it can be ‘built back better.’ That means socialism.

Most children of all races grew up reading Dr. Seuss. He was inclusive. His illustrations didn’t portray race. The creatures weren’t even human most of the time. Instead, they they were creative, multi-colored creatures that appealed to everyone. I was very young when I read my first Dr. Seuss book. It was titled “Bartholomew and the Oobleck.” I can’t remember how old I was exactly, but it was the first book I read on my own and I was fascinated by it. I read more of his books after that and in retrospect I realize that Dr. Seuss opened the door to reading for many young children while helping to instill within them a love of books.

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Now the left wants his books destroyed along with Mark Twain and ‘white’ western literature in general. Dr. Seuss was also an excellent editorial cartoonist. A case could be made for racism in some of his depictions of the Japanese in cartoons he drew during World War II, but he drew many more that spoke out against racism. I found myself cringing a bit over his promotion of war. He hated isolationists. He railed against the ‘America First’ mentality and naturally I disagreed with him on that.

Still, his political cartoons were first-rate. Let’s not let the Bolsheviks kill the ‘Cat In The Hat.’

— Ben Garrison


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