Covid Super Vaccination Agenda
the Entire Planetary Civilization
Never in human history has there been such a highly organized global campaign to vaccinate every person on the planet…and with various untested EUA* vaccines that have already proven to be extremely dangerous and deadly by any standard.
*EUA = Emergency Use Authorization ONLY
This indisputable fact alone speaks volumes about the true intent behind the ever-intensifying Covid Super Vaccination Agenda.
After all, we’re talking about different vaccines that don’t even work and, in fact, have been shown to greatly increase both COVID-19 infection rates and mortality rates. See the hard evidence as follows:
In light of the slow-motion Extinction Level Event that has been triggered by the New World Order globalist cabal behind this Plandemic, there can be only one response by every human being on Earth.
Especially those individuals who were somehow coerced or compelled or conned into taking a vaccine, against their explicit wishes and without informed consent, is there a case for “Malicious and Injurious Fraud” against every responsible perpetrator of this crime spree against humanity.
In the USA, OSHA has already issued a landmark ruling that will permit every vaccine-injured employee to seek the appropriate legal remedies (even in cases of death for the aggrieved families). See: OSHA Rules Employers Who Mandate COVID Vaccines Are Legally Responsible If They Kill Or Injure Workers
There is no question that it’s only a matter of time before this massive international criminal conspiracy unravels; and, that those who did the OPERATION COVID-19 dirty work are apprehended and prosecuted to the fullest extent to the law.
However, until that happens, there needs to be a global, people-powered, grassroots-driven, organically grown movement that demands both government and corporate accountability at all levels.
The number of deaths and injuries, from both the COVID-19 bioweapon and weaponized vaccines, clearly constitute an intention to commit global genocide and therefore warrants speedy arrests and incarceration of every Covid criminal co-conspirator.
At this late date, it’s of paramount importance for every concerned party to participate in We the People’s OPERATION STICK IT TO ‘EM.
What started out as the power elite’s OPERATION STICK IT TO ‘EM whereby they are efficiently jabbing billions of people around the globe with toxic Covid injections needs to be expeditiously reversed. In other words, people everywhere need to rise up and stick it to the perps—BIG TIME! And during PRIME TIME so everyone can see their faces and their crime families (and other corporate entities) can be shut down for good.
Until there is a global demonstration of the wealthy elites actually receiving their deserved comeuppance for their collusion in THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC, life will never get back to normal. How can it?!?!
The following lawsuit is just one way in which the discovery process will eventually expose every co-conspirator in this brazen desperate attempt to exterminate and enslave all of humanity. Already, Pope Francis, Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minster Justin Trudeau, Bill & Melinda Gates, World Health Organization, Society of Jesus, Global Vaccine Alliance, Vatican State and many other VIPs and global institutions have been named as defendants in this and other unprecedented legal actions.
The bottom line here, for every single inhabitant of planet Earth,
is this:
We the People must stick it to them before they stick it to
all of us. Because once the perps attain the critical thre-
shold of Covid vaccinated victims worldwide, they know
the remaining unvaccinated folks will be easily managed
by governments and policed by their peers.
Which is why it has never been so crucial to fiercely resist their totalitarian COVID-1984 regimes; and protest all illicit lockdowns and shutdowns, unlawful orders and mandates, and harmful masks and vaccines.
Everyone, get ready to light your torch, pick up the pitchfork and grab a rope, because it’s either them or us from this point forward.
State of the Nation
May 19, 2021