MELBOURNE EARTHQUAKE: A False Flag Geoterrorist Attack—WHO & WHY?

All 3 Locations Attacked in 2021
by the NWO Globalist Cabal
Using Devastating Acts
of Geoterrorism

Magnitude 6.0 earthquake strikes near Melbourne, tremors rattle southeast Australia

State of the Nation

The cabal has completely blown its cover. The globalists really don’t care anymore about secrecy.  Their once secret weapons of mass destruction are now out of the closet.  The most powerful WMDs in their arsenal are the weather weapons.  The geoengineers can target any city or nation or coastline with a Cat. 5 superstorm and shut it down.  With their earthquake/volcano triggering weaponry, they can reduce a small country or large city to ruble in a New York Minute.  They just did that to Haiti on August 14th with a 7.2 earthquake followed by Tropical Storm Grace.  Next up was La Palma in the Canary Islands.  First, the geoengineers manufactured a series of island-wide earthquake swarms; then they triggered the ongoing volcano. Meanwhile, in Australia, the globalists were having a big problem in Melbourne with civil disobedience so the geoengineers used HAARP to fake an earthquake.  That quelled the expanding protests faster than you can spell GEOTERRORISM. 

— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

SOTN has received several firsthand accounts about the September 22nd earthquake that was geoengineered to attack Victoria ASTL.

Each of those preceding testimonies has a common denominator.  That earthquake was far from a normal one.  The ground did not shake before the damage was seen; and there was strange light seen in the sky similar to other manufactured quakes such as the calamitous Haiti earthquake of 2010.

Clearly, the Melbourne quake has all the signatures of a HAARP and/or EMP and/or DEW attack.  What quicker way to shut down the burgeoning anti-Covid tyranny movement than to crack up the whole city.

The Aussies have had it with the Covid tyrants in Melbourne.  The despots who have locked down Victoria yet again have crossed so many lines the people have awakened to the CORONAhoax.  And this has occurred not that long after the geoengineers burned down the whole country with OPERATION TORCH AUSTRALIA during the hot season of 2019/20.

Therefore, the Aussies have a LOT to be pissed off about.  And, they now know they face an existential crisis of truly epic proportions.  It’s either they lock up the NWO globalists in their midst, or they — the citizenry — face a permanent lockdown.

The stakes are so high in this rapidly intensifying war, launched to morph the entire island of Australia back to the penal colony which it was under British rule, that the cabal will roll out any geo-weapon necessary.

Magnitude 5.9 earthquake strikes near Melbourne, Australia


The globalists are foisting their New World Order on the entire planetary civilization at warp speed.  They will not stop implementing their NWO agenda until they have established a One World Government enforced by a technocratic Global Security Superstate.

Toward that end, these tyrannical perps will employ every means necessary to subdue any population throughout the world community of nations.  Which means that, going forward, their use of geoterrorism weaponry will be among their weapons of first choice.

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PAPER: Super Energy Weapons Triggering Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Other Earth Movements

What this means for all of humanity is that powerful strategies and forceful tactics must be utilized to remove all treasonous globalists from their high positions of power and influence in every country on Earth.

While such a worldwide endeavor will require much pain and sacrifice, there is no other way AT THIS LATE DATE. Now that the global power structure has exposed itself with the extremely brazen OPERATION COVID-19 and equally reckless Covid Super Vaccination Agenda, the countless criminal perpetrators have set themselves up for a major fall.

Hence, were every citizenry on the planet to galvanize their own anti-Covid tyranny movements, We the People could bring about a global revolution that would immediately paralyze the countless political and corporate agents of the NWO cabal.

Just watch what one man could do in Melbourne, and the multiply that times nearly 8 billion: MUST VIEW!!! Aussie Rambo Crashes Through Melbourne Police Detachment Like They’re a Bunch of School Girls!

Bottom Line: Nothing changes until the puppets in power and pawns with influence become much more afraid of We the People than they are of their hidden globalist paymasters and Deep State handlers.

State of the Nation
September 24, 2021


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