How the shocking Deagel projections correlate with the deadly Covid vaccines.

Deagel Projections & Vaccine Choices

by Jeremy James

The Three Deagel Groups

Table A (overleaf) sets out the countries in the main target group (‘Christendom’). They are scheduled for a staggering population reduction of 53 percent – around 470 million. The current vaccine uptake in these countries, overall, is 57 percent. This would seem to support the ‘uptake’ explanation, but we need to look further.

Table B (on p.5) gives the countries in the second target group, namely those which do not have a Christian heritage but which are leading players in the field of technological innovation – Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Israel. At 22 percent, the proposed population reduction for these countries is not nearly as severe as that of the main target group, but it’s horrifying nonetheless. At 40 percent, the vaccine uptake to date for this group is also significantly lower than that of the main target group. This again would seem to support the ‘uptake’ explanation.

The second target group comprises any advanced industrial economy which is not already included in the main target group. The New World Order will introduce strict controls over all technological innovation, thus ensuring that no weaponry or other devices might be developed that could threaten the totalitarian stranglehold that the Elite plan to impose over the entire earth.

Table C (on p.6) should be a wake-up call to the whole world. The population of this
group is five times that of Table A and Table B combined and yet it is projected to fall
by ‘only’ 73 million. Compare this with the fall projected for the other groups – 515
million! This is a seven-fold difference. Thus, if the Covid vaccine program is the
planned instrument for conducting the coming genocide, then it will impact 35 times
more destructively on Christendom than on Communist countries and the Asian
trading bloc. This startling disparity cannot be explained solely by reference to vaccine

The countries which show no change (or virtually no change) in population between 2020 and 2025 may hold the key. We have set out in Appendix A all the countries – 23 in total – which (with a current population of at least a million) will suffer no reduction. When we checked to see which Covid vaccines are approved for use in these countries, we found that all but four have access to a vaccine which is not approved for use in the countries listed in either Table A or Table B.

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