VP Candidate Tim Walz’ Child Rape Victim Comes Forward

Submitted by Forbidden.News

Black Insurrectionist aka @DocNetyoutube on X.com has tweeted-out a letter sent to him by a self-described victim of child rape by Democrat Vice Presidential Candidate, Tim Walz, during the time that Walz was a high school teacher in Nebraska.

According to Wikipedia, this was at the Public High School in rural Alliance, Nebraska, where Walz met and married his wife, Gwen.

In covering this breaking story, I cannot help but notice the many parallels between the biographies of Tim Walz (and his wife, née Whipple) and that of Mike Pence (and his wife, née Batten).

Both Midwestern politicians, from opposite sides of the aisle, each rose to become the Governors of their respective states, with Pence later becoming Vice President of the US and with Walz now seeking to do so, himself.

Similarly to Tim Walz and his wife, Gwen, Karen Pence is also a former schoolteacher but the commonalities don’t stop there.

Both Pence and Walz are rumored to be Deep State-controlled gay pedophiles. What is even more interesting is that both wives have allegedly been instrumental to orchestrating their occult pedophile double lives.

For a political wife to give cover to her spouse’s gay lifestyle is one thing but for a political wife to not just be aware of her husband’s pedophilia – but to be actively involved in helping her husband to manage and to schedule his gay pedophilic trysts – this speaks to something else, entirely.

The late Dr Jon McGreevey aka @JohnHereToHelp on social media, a self-described math genius who said he had worked at Fort Detrick and that he was a DC intelligence insider, claimed that Karen Pence was totally aware of Mike Pence’s underage gay activities and that Karen helped him to manage and to schedule his pedophilic rendezvous!

The same sort of thing is now coming out about Tim Walz’ wife, Gwen! This reeks of Satanism and it suggests that these two political wives may be high-level Satanic witches.

An investigation of the true stories of the Pence and Walz households may yield clues as to the dynamics of the full-blown Satanism of the global crime system that controls our planet. It is a system that reaches from the abandoned, trafficked children on the streets to the highest corridors of Earthly power.

McGreevey also alleged that Seth Rich was not murdered by Clintonista Arkancide, as widely believed but by off-duty Feds hired by Rod Rosenstein‘s “Dirty Tricks Squad” run out of DOJ office in Baltimore, Maryland, which Rosenstein led for 12 years.

McGreevey claimed that Seth Rich was whacked and nothing was stolen from him except for the thumbdrive that he carried on his person at all times, because this thumbdrive was linked to the DNC server breach and the WikiLeaks articles that cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 Election.

He said that Seth’s DNC email breach would reveal Rosenstein’s DOJ joint operation with the Republicans to tamper and to alter the DNC’s emails throughout the course of the Obama Administration. It would also reveal that they began spying on Hillary’s infamous “homebrew” server, almost as soon as it went live.

McGreevey claimed that the MS-13 gang members who were hired and transported to DC from out-of-state by Rosenstein’s DEA/FBI henchmen were contracted to steal Seth Rich’s thumbdrive containing the DNC server data and to replace it with another thumb drive that removed all of the incriminating data that pointed back to Rosenstein and the DOJ.

Other US Government heavies, besides those mentioned above, who McGreevey said were deeply involved in Satanic pedophilia blackmail operations included Supreme Court Justice, John Roberts, who he said adopted his children illegally with the help of Jeffrey Epstein through a child sex trafficking network in the British Isles and that he immediately proceeded to use his adopted children to sexually entrap and blackmail powerful people.

Another was Judge Emmet Sullivan, the Federal Judge who presided over the case of General Mike Flynn, who McGreevey described as an “anti-Black racist and a violent incestuous pedophile”, who “raped his own granddaughter for years until she was no longer a child and he lost interest,” saying that Sullivan once injured her so horribly, that she was hospitalized and he made his son (the girl’s father) turn himself in for the crime in the State of Maryland. But as a Federal Judge, he was able to bury the case with the help of then-US Attorney Rod Rosenstein, Maryland Congressman, Elijah Cummings and Baltimore Mayor, Catherine Pugh.

He said that, as of 2021 records of that case still existed in the Federal system and could be found on Pacer. He said Judge Sullivan’s son is also a very sick pedophile who also raped that same daughter for years and he was later busted, again for trading images of child pornography.

McGreevey said that Judge Sullivan had 4 homes in a beach community in Delaware that he used to rape his female children and that he would lend his homes out to Joe Biden, for the latter’s pedophilic trysts.

Joe Biden was described as a “well-known pedophile” and he says that in many of those videos we’ve all seen of Biden sniffing children in front of their family members as they’re being sworn-into their government posts, those children had been promised to him for his role in securing of those positions for their parents. He said that all of the Biden grandchildren are sexual abuse victims, as well, some of which was confirmed by the contents of Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell”.

McGreevey ran unsuccessfully in 2022 for the Republican US Senate Seat for Maryland. He was widely maligned by the corrupt media, falsely-arrested and he reportedly died in May of 2023. I hope he faked his death.

In this video, YouTuber, SquirrelTribe claims that both Tim Walz and his wife, Gwen who were both teachers at the same high school in Alliance, Nebraska and that they were forced to resign from their teaching positions there, due to their pedophilic activities, although the details were covered-up, to protect the Nebraska Board of Education.

It’s been reported that Walz was fired by the school in 1996, due to his Driving Under the Influence (DUI) arrest but she argues against this, especially, as his wife and another colleague, named Byron Green were also forced to resign at that time, as well.

The couple then moved to Mankato, Minnesota where Walz began teaching geography and was an assistant football coach at Mankato West High School and where he also became the faculty advisor of Mankato West High School’s first gay–straight alliance.

This is the text of a letter by the self-described child rape victim of Tim Walz tweeted on X.com by Black Insurrectionist on Monday, October 15th:

Tim Walz Child Rape Victim: I have decided to make public statement regarding the relationship between myself and Tim Walz. I also want to make it very clear that I was not the only victim of Tim Walz. I am hoping that others will come forward. I know of at least one other person who has come forward and has not received the publicity that I am now receiving.

I want to give you some of the places that I went with Tim Walz over the course of the time I was abused and give you some descriptive information of Tim Walz’s body that may be helpful in my claims.

I went to two concerts with Tim Walz, an Indigo Girls Concert  and in July of 1995 I attended a country concert in Omaha with Tim Walz. (Alabama). I was one of the students who accompanies Tim Walz and others on his trip to China. When Tim Walz received his DUI. It was after an evening spent with me.

I fully expect that Tim Walz is going to retaliate against me and possibly my family, he has become a powerful individual and I can tell you from experience that Tim Walz is a vert angry individual when he is challenged on any subject or he is perceived to lose control on anything. I know of at least two other students in the time Tim Walz spent in Nebraska that were taken to concerts and other events. In fact, Gwen Walz has made statements that she attended the Indigo Girls concert with myself and Tim, that was not true. It is my belief to this day that Gwen Walz was another student at the time at the same concert, but I can assure you, she was not at the concert with me and Tim Walz.

With that being said, Tim Walz has a raised scar on his chest. I recall a Chinese symbol tattoo on his upper thigh. I remembered he explained to me what it meant, but I do not recall at this time. I also remember small scar on his left arm that was more like a soft burn. Of course, most people know he has a hearing problem, it is my understanding that has been corrected.

I will be engaging my attorney and will be bringing Mr Walz to a court of law if possible. I will be looking for full legal remedies against Tim Walz. My relationship with Tim Walz stopped being physical in 1996, but we remained in contact until 1999. I have decided that I will be contacting Media Members through my attorney and will give a public come forward and challenge Tim Walz if that is the route my attorney would like to go.

Many people will attack my claims, many will doubt my claims. Tim Walz and I know the truth. Between the ages of 14-18 years of age, Tim Walz was part of my life, it was a relationship that was unhealthy and has affected my life in some of the worst ways possible.

SquirrelTribe has more information about Tim Walz’ child-rape victim’s communications with Black Insurrectionist, which she lays out in this podcast. Reading from a separate statement from the above victim, SquirrelTribe recites:

Tim Walz Child Rape Victim: “Thanks for the call. I will lay out in detail what has happened to me. I was 14 years old when I met Tim Walls.

“Like many normal kids, I was very confused about many things. My emotions were that of a typical teenager. Tim and [Tim’s wife] Gwen Walz befriended me.

“I was a loner. They made me feel special. Tim Walz started telling me secrets; secrets about himself. He told me I could trust him with anything. I was very shy and having difficulty.

“Tim and Gwen extended an invitation for me to go to a concert with them in March of 1995. When we got to the concert, though, it was just Tim Walz and me. The concert was the Indigo Girls, who I knew nothing about.

“During the concert, he started to explain to me the meaning behind the lyrics…The entire time, he was explaining this, he was explaining to me that I was gay. The entire time, he was explaining to me that I was gay. He was rubbing my back, up and down, in what I thought was a comforting gesture.

“Then, the next thing I know, I remember feeling tired – overwhelmingly tired. The rest of the night, I am not comfortable telling you, right now. I’m going to put in a letter. It is too difficult for me, right now.”

SquirrelTribe continues, “And then, Black Insurrectionist says, ‘You know, I understand how difficult this must be for you and then he goes to clarify. He’s like, ‘I just want to be clear that you were 14 years old, you’re at a concert, alone with with your teacher an Indigo Girls concert.’

SquirrelTribe elaborates, “Which, if anybody knows, Indigo Girls, that was like, Lesbian Rock, like back in the day. Like, they were straight Lilith Fair Sarah McLachlan-style – whatever – girl-for-girl kind of stuff, right?

“And then, [Black Insurrectionist is] asking him the questions. He’s like, ‘Were you served alcohol, if you’re feeling overwhelmingly tired? Were you drinking something?’ You know, ‘Was the concert in March of 1995?’

“He’s trying to, you know get all the the details here – and…this is where it gets weird and it sounds wrong: You think, as a parent that you should be able to trust the adults in your child’s life, right? You should be able to trust their teachers, their coaches, their pastors, their doctors, their everything else. And unfortunately, we keep seeing, time and time, again that these grown individuals cannot be trusted.

“But the problem, here is a lot of kids are going to go through situations with adults and be scared to tell their parents; one, because they don’t want their parents to feel guilty or they don’t want their parents to feel like they did something wrong; two, a lot of these times, these kids are being groomed and they don’t understand that what is happening is wrong or they’re they’re scared to come forward, ’cause what if they get in trouble? You know how emotions work.

“But these kids need to know that it’s not their fault, when these adults do things to them; that trusted adults should never, ever do. It is not the fault of the victim, it is not the fault of the child and this guy is finally coming out and having this conversation and telling people about Tim Walz and everything that happened.

“People are like, ‘Why did you wait?’ There are people out there, you will never know the things that they have gone through, because of how it has affected them, mentally. They’ve either stamped it down or they’ve held it in, because telling people might make them look bad; it might hurt other people, so they keep it to themselves.

“And this guy, for however many years, has kept this to himself – and now, he’s like, ‘Listen, this man could be the possible Vice President of the United States!’

“He has already gone through, in his State of Minnesota and made it so there’s tampons in boys bathrooms! He’s made it so that the word ‘pedophile’ has been erased from any, any sort of sexual assault terminology!

‘Pedophile’ is not the word that is used, anymore they’ve taken it away! They don’t want it to be something! They don’t want people labeled as ‘pedophiles’ in Minnesota!

“Why would the Governor of Minnesota take the word ‘pedophile’ out of all context, there unless he, himself does not want to be labeled as a ‘pedophile’?

“To take that word out is crazy, to me; to put in this new it ‘MAPs’, ‘Minor-Attracted Person’ – whatever – is absolute bullsh!t and call it what it is!

“If Tim Walls was touching a 14-year-old boy, not only is he gay he’s also a pedophile. He’s a gay pedophile!

“That’s so many struggles. This man is working with – like, normally, they say, ‘Pick a struggle,’ you know ‘Pick one thing.’ That’s a lot, right there to deal with – and to put that on to a 14-year-old boy is absolutely crazy!

“But they go after young, impressionable kids, who don’t realize that this person, that they’re looking up to, that they consider a good teacher or a father figure or a brother or whatever else, they don’t realize that what they’re doing to them is wrong. It’s not normal and it’s not something that should be happening. And so, they go along with it, thinking “OK, I don’t really know if this is OK or not?’

“But I see Tim Walz and somebody said, ‘Look at how he treats his son. When he was on stage at the DNC and Gus Walz and his daughter and Gwen Walz were on stage with him and he yanked his son’s arm, my very first thought was, ‘That is an angry man and I don’t want to know what he does to his children in in the dark, off that stage, where people can’t see; because he was willing to grab him and yank him, that aggressively in front of all of those people.’

“And then, you have people going, ‘Oh, no! He just didn’t want him to run into something.’

“Um, that’s not how you stop your child from running into something. The look on that man’s face and the anger, with which he pulled him is not normal!

“And this guy who’s coming out about Tim Walz is saying that ‘He is a very angry man,’ that he would blow-up on small things, that were small issues but he would blow them out of proportion, right? OK. so look, here’s the story. I’m going to read this to you just heads-up, OK? He says:

Tim Walz Child Rape Victim: “During the concert, I became extremely tired. I don’t know if it was the alcohol,” (Squirrel Tribe interjects, “Which, Number One, why is a grown-ass man giving a 14-year-old boy alcohol, OK?”)

Continuing to read victim’s statement: “I don’t know if it was the alcohol, I don’t know if something was put in the alcohol but I remember dancing with Tim Walz. We were slow-dancing.

“I remember his hands being inside of my pants, a little. He was telling me that it was ‘natural’. He was telling me that it was ‘OK’.”

SquirrelTribe continues, “Now, my first thought was, ‘Why is nobody in this concert not noticing a grown man, slow-dancing with a young boy?’ But then, you also have to think about it; that a lot of concerts, people are drunk, they are on some sort of drugs.

“If it’s an outdoor venue and it’s dark, nobody can see these things that are going on. So, again, I believe the victim. He says, after the concert, Gwen was not to be found:

Tim Walz Child Rape Victim: “Tim said he would take me home but we would stop off and get something to eat. Being 14 years old, I thought this meant McDonald’s.

“To be honest, I thought I was having a great time. I thought – I was beginning to think that I was gay.

“When we stopped to get food, it was a tavern and I didn’t realize, until I was older there was actually a gay bar. There were only a couple of women in the entire place, there but they were really not women…

“I don’t remember how long we were there and I don’t remember the drive back home, at all.”

“This is where it gets – just FYI, for anybody who can’t hear this kind of thing – this is where it gets a little graphic:

Tim Walz Child Rape Victim: “The next thing I remembered, I was naked and I was in the home of Tim Walz he was giving me oral sex. I remember, it only took seconds – maybe a minute – for me to ejaculate. I thought this meant I was gay. I thought this meant I really was gay.

“I did not understand it was just a physical reaction. I remember being upset. I thought Gwen would walk in. He told me not to worry about it. He told me Gwen would not disturb us. He kept reassuring me that everything was OK; that this was ‘normal’ and that he was ‘helping me see that I really was gay.’

“The next morning, I woke up on their couch. Gwen was there. They made breakfast and they acted like nothing happened, at all.

“Tim took me home. I honestly thought I had feelings for him. I thought he was showing me life. I remember feeling so confused, yet so free. I thought this was part of becoming a man.

“‘I remember a definitive bump-like scar on his chest. He told me all kinds of secrets. He told me he was almost deaf, from his time in the military and he told me he had served in the Persian Gulf War.

“When I finally got home, I did not tell my parents anything but I thought I had feelings for Mr Walz. He told me many secrets about himself – at least, I thought they were secrets. He told me that he was bisexual. He explained what that meant.

“I would continually see Mr Walz during 1995. I spent a lot of time with him whenever I could. I can’t remember the exact date but I moved to another county in the summer of 1995. My parents were becoming suspect.

“And summer of 1995, he came to see me. We were drinking we had gone out that night. We got into an argument.

“When I found out he planned on taking students to another Indigo Girls concert, on that night he left very angry. That is the night that he got pulled over for drunk driving. He called me and told me what happened. I told him, ‘No.’

“He told me he was going to be fired from his football job. At this time, I was in a different School District. This is when I started to learn I was not gay. This is when I began to know I like girls.

“I did not talk very often during 1996, but my parents had called the School Board and had made a complaint.

“‘I would never admit to my parents what happened but they told the School Board they had suspicions of a sexual relationship between myself and Mr Walz.

“We probably had 10 to 12 sexual encounters.”

SquirrelTribe continues, “And that’s where that stops. So, that, to me is very detailed, right? Very detailed and in the way that you recount a past story, it to me does not sound made-up. This sounds like the victim of sexual grooming; of trusting somebody that should not have been trusted. It is absolutely crazy to me.

“Then, you take into consideration, the fact that, on top of this, you have Tim Walz going to China 33 times; I believe it was China 33 times.

“You know what they have, in China? Very, very relaxed laws against grown-ups and minors. That’s the way I’m going to put this: Grown-Ups and Minors. They have very, very relaxed laws about it.

“They also have plenty of places that will facilitate that for you, if that’s what you want. Why else would Tim Walz need to go to China 33 times? He liked it so much, he even got married in China, which is, you know interesting, also. He got married in China, in case people didn’t know that.

“But what’s crazy, is Black Insurrectionist…he started emailing the Vice President and the President, the second that this man reached out to him. He went on to the White House website and emailed the White House, because it keeps a a track, like they keep a record of it; it has to be kept. It it will always be in the logs, that somebody emailed something in, and he actually took screenshots of everything, too. So, Black Insurrectionist, over on X, if you guys want to go check it, out.

“He emailed them and he said, ‘Hey, listen I want you to know that this man reached out to me. This is what he saying about Tim Walz, your Vice Presidential pick and this is something that needs to be looked into – because, if this is true and you’re going to put this man in a spot as a Vice President, what does that say to the people of our country?’ basically, right?

“People need to know what they’re voting for. Do you really think that people are going to want to vote for a pedophile, for somebody who who uses the trust of children against them?

“So, he emails the White House – and the White House, of course – doesn’t respond.”

Black Insurrectionist continues:

Black Insurrectionist: “But approximately 7 to 10 days after my email to the Vice President of the United States, putting her on notice that Tim Walz brought a child to an Indigo Girls concert, the story was dropped.”

SquirrelTribe asks, “So, do you guys remember when that came out? They actually said something about the concert…After Black Insurrectionist emailed the Vice President and said, ‘Listen, there’s a guy saying Tim Walz took him to an Indigo Girls concert when he was 14 years old and got him drunk and did all these things, the news media, the news outlets [reported], ‘Tim Walz and his Wife Took a Gay Student to an Indigo Girls Concert in the ’90s.’

(Shows computer screen with the above-linked article).

“They spun it as a husband-and-wife couple, who are teachers, who really do the best for their kids and want to make sure that all of the kids that are their students feel loved and appreciated and ‘seen’ and understood and they tried to paint this thing, like it was them taking this kid to the concert, because that’s what ‘good teachers’ do…

“So, the White House knew about it. They came out and tried to make it seem like Tim Walz and his wife were just doing a good thing; trying to put it in the heads of the voters, in the minds of the voters that they’ve done nothing wrong that they’re just a loving couple and that Tim Walz is, you know the ‘New Masculine’ and that he’s just amazing and everybody should vote for Tim Walz…

“There’s going to be more and more coming out about it, over the next few days but what’s crazy to me is, I want you to see that they they called him ‘Touchdown Timmy’. That’s what they started calling Tim Walz, while he was a football coach [actually assistant coach – Walz lied, yet again]; was ‘Touchdown Timmy’, because of how inappropriately he was touching the kids and they knew that he was sleeping with one of the kids. That’s what they say, so they they named him ‘Touchdown Timmy’.

“I want to show you this. This is while he’s in China with another teacher. That’s Tim Walz holding the drink in his hand. And my brain going. ‘I wonder what’s in there? Is it soda or is there something else? And those are three underage boys with three adults. Just a very interesting picture in China, when he was over there, as a teacher not saying there’s anything to it.

Not a fan of his shirt, ‘Up the Yin Yang, y’all. Probably not the correct phrase to wear, while people think that you are trying to sexually molest young boys – while you stand there next to a young boy!

“I sent myself these pictures. Let me pull up my email, because I need you guys to see these, as well. There’s so much, that it’s hard to keep track of absolutely everything that that is coming out, right now…

(Shows image of a Northwest Nebraska headline, “Chadron Grad Gets Royal Treatment”, with photo of a young Tim Walz holding a large Chinese fan).

“OK, so this is Tim Walz. This is Tim Walz in China, holding a big fan, right? But it says, here: ‘The past year that Tim Walz spent teaching school in China was a very rewarding one.’

“I want you to hear what he says, here: ‘”No matter how long I live, I’ll never be treated that well again,”‘ said the 1989 Chadon State College graduate. “They gave me more gifts that I could bring home. It was an excellent experience.”‘

“So when he says that he ‘got so many gifts he couldn’t even bring them all home,’ and you know he loves China, it’s not that he loves China, it’s the gifts that they give him – and what if those gifts were things that, legally he could not have here, in the United States – without being thrown into Federal Prison, for being a sick little f@ck? Like, that’s all I can think, every time I see how many times he went back to China and how ‘happy’ he was to be in China, surrounded by all these young kids. It has always struck me wrong.

“He says here, ‘Teacher ‘treated like a king’. …it says, “A May graduate of Chadon State College who is teaching in China said in a recent letter to a CSC faculty member that he is being ‘treated like a king’.

“Treated like a king. So, he’s going to China, he’s being treated like a king, he’s getting anything he wants. He’s allowed to do things there that he legally, would you know be put to death for here, in the United State – which, hey it’s still not too late – we do have the electric chair for a reason…

“I’m just showing you all these articles that have been out for years about Tim Walz but are now findable, if you need to look: ‘An Alliance Teacher and his Bride Won’t Forget their Wedding Date. They plan to celebrate by taking a few dozen high school students on two trips to the Far East.’

Tim Walz offers directions to his Alliance school basketball teams so they’re taking all these kids to China for their Alliance – the high school, whatever group it was; they decided to take a bunch of kids over to China, which is still crazy to me. They said they wanted them ‘to see the way other people live’.

“Bro, go to the state over. Like, go to the next state. Go farther north, farther south, east, west – you don’t need to cross oceans with underage children! It’s just very weird, to me.

“And just as a reminder, this is the day that Tim Walls got a DUI; that he tried to say that, when he got pulled over, that he was ‘deaf’ and ‘hard-of-hearing’ and that he was ‘dizzy’ and that’s why he was driving the way he was, as opposed to the fact that it’s because he was legally above the legal limit of alcohol, which is why he was arrested.

“He also tried to tell people when he was running for Governor, that he didn’t actually get arrested, that they let him go. No. He was handcuffed, put in a cop car and taken to the police department which is why there is a mug shot! You don’t get a mug shot, if they let you go, you dumb, lying sh*tface!

“Anyway, not a fan of Tim Walz and between him and Ka[b]ala Harris, it is the worst possible Duo you could ever have to run this country!

“There have been some pretty crappy presidents, right? We all know that, depending on how you feel about certain presidents, there’s been some pretty crappy ones – but at least, all other presidents, up until now, I feel had some sort of plan, some sort of policies, that they actually wanted to put in place, that could possibly benefit some people – not all, obviously.

“But Ka[b]ala Harris has absolutely nothing – and then, to put a pedophile in as the Vice President, [I’m] not okay with that, at all…

“So, this was late last night, a given a statement from the victim, OK?”

(SquirrelTribe, then reads from the same statement posted by Black Insurrectionist, at the top of this article, stressing the following text from the above statement:)

Tim Walz Rape Victim: “I want to give you some of the places that I went with Tim Walz, over the course of the time I was abused and give you some descriptive information of Tim Walz’ body, that may be helpful in my claims.”

“Now, my husband and I were talking about this yesterday and I told him I said he’s got to come out with something that the only way he would have this information is if it’s a part of Tim Walz’ body…if he can if he can give any sort of information on anything that is below the boxer shorts, then you know it’ll be very hard for the Left to try to say that this person is ‘not a victim’ and that this person does not have intimate knowledge of Tim Walz, so it says, here:

Tim Walz Rape Victim: I went to two concerts with Tim Walls; an Indigo Girls concert and in July of 1995, I attended a country concert in Omaha with Tim Walz [with the band, Alabama.] I was one of the students who accompanied Tim Walz and others on his trip to China”

“So that picture that I showed you, that’s the reason I showed you that picture with those three young males in that picture.” SquirrelTribe continues, “It is highly possible that one of those three men is the same person who is now speaking out, right here with Black Insurrectionist…

“I don’t know for a fact, like I said, the names of those kids are in that picture. This person has not released their name, yet but if this name is released and I can look back at that picture and and point and say that was the kid at that time I’m going to lose my everloving sh!t, ’cause, I mean…it’s just crazy.

“OK, sorry let me get back to where it was:

Tim Walz Rape Victim: “When Tim Walls received his DUI, it was after an evening spent with me. I fully expect that Tim Walz is going to retaliate against me and possibly my family he has become a powerful individual and I can tell you, from experience that Tim Walz is an extremely angry individual, when he is challenged on any subject or he is perceived to lose control on anything.

“I know of at least two other students in the time Tim Walz spent in Nebraska, that were taken to concerts and other events.

“In fact, Gwen walls has made statements that she attended the indigo girls concert with myself and Tim, which was not true.

“It is my belief, to this day that Gwen Walz was with another student at that time, at the same concert but I can assure you, she was not at the concert with me and Tim Walz.”

SquirrelTribe continues, “And if you remember the first thing I read to you, he said that he and Tim and Gwen were at an Indigo Girls concert but once they went to an Indigo Girls concert but…once they got there, it was only him and Tim.

“So, this still is in perfect line with what he is saying. Gwen Walz was technically there, but she was with a different student, somewhere else in the crowd. Tim Walz and this student were alone together at the Indigo Girls concert, alright?

“With that being said, Tim Walz has a ‘raised scar on his chest’, which to me, I’m like, OK, that that’s not something that I think couldn’t be seen numerous other times. If he’s gone on vacation and has any sort of shirtless pictures or at the pool or things like that [AB Note: I cannot find any shirtless images of Walz], so that one, for me, I’m like, it’s good that he has that knowledge but I don’t know if that’s something that can’t be proven by numerous other people, just based off of a summer trip to the beach or the pool…

Tim Walz Rape Victim: “I recall a Chinese symbol tattoo on his upper thigh.”

SquirrelTribe says, “That’s the one, to me that’s going to be harder for Tim Walz to say that ‘Plenty of people would know about it.’ Upper thigh – unless you really like some booty shorts – there’s no reason why anybody outside of Tim Walz’ immediate family should ever see his upper thigh and by immediate family, I mean his wife. His children should never know what his upper thighs look like. So there’s that.

(SquirrelTribe continues reading from the letter posted at the top of this article by the self-described Tim Walz rape victim and then, she adds:)

“Which, again: You’re 14 to 18, you don’t realize, at the time…that what is happening is wrong…because they’re their bodies are going through puberty their minds are all over the place. They’re seeing things in movies and TV shows and reading books and seeing their friends and other couples and so they can sometimes look at these these teachers and these these higher figures as something that they want to be a part of…

“When you have Tim Walz taking advantage of that situation, knowing that there are going to be confused boys and girls out there and taking advantage of that situation and going after them, that makes him the worst kind of human being there could possibly be!

“There are a handful of things that I will put my life on the line for – and an adult physically harming a child, whether it be abusively, like beating them up – or sexually – I will I put my life in between that person and that child, any day of the week. I will go to jail for that child. I don’t care whose child it is. Does not matter to me.

“A child is a child and adults have got to learn that if they have any sort of connection to a child like that, they are a sick twisted m@therf@cker! There’s nothing normal about that, at all, whatsoever…There’s nothing that makes it OK for a grown-ass person to be sexually attracted to anybody under 18. I don’t even understand how grown-ass men are attracted to 18 and 19 year olds. There’s something still wrong with you, there.

“Yes, technically an 18-year-old is legally an adult. Y’all, at 18 I was dumb as sh!t. I was still immature. I had no clue about anything and just because the Government considered me an ‘adult’ at 18 didn’t mean anything. I was still a child. Hell, at 21 I’m legal to drink – I’m still a child, at 21. Also, I did not have the knowledge that was needed to make adult decisions, at that time. There’s no way in H-E-double hockey sticks, a 14-year-old is making the right decisions, because they don’t know any better.

“Hormones are through the roof. Everything is going bonkers in their brain and in their libido, in their groin, everywhere. They don’t know what they’re doing. And instead of having somebody they can go to and talk to and trust, they have somebody who uses that against them to get what they want.

“Tim Walz, in my personal opinion – and this is what’s probably going to get me in trouble – Tim Walz should be sitting, strapped-down in a chair somewhere with electric currents running through his body. So there’s that. That is exactly how I feel about that.

“But this is the the Schoolboard Minutes. I want to show you the highlighted part…the minutes of the Board of Education meeting on March 4th 1996. A professional leave request.

It says, a motion was made by Seebohm and seconded by Cornish to approve the professional leave request of Tim Walz. The motion carried unanimously 6 to 0, alright?

“Because, again instead of them saying they’re kicking him out, they’re going to let it sound like he ‘resigned’, because the School Board also does not want that going through that small town; that community, the newspapers, the news, itself that they had a teacher that they employed – they willingly employed – who was molesting students.

“So of course instead of putting in their minutes, ‘Hey, we had to fire this guy because he’s a sick [ __ ] perv,” no, they have to let it say, ‘No we let him resign,” because they have to save face. They have to cover their own butts and that’s what people do.

“That’s what our government does, so they’re going to try to find some way to sweep this under the rug, like ‘Nothing’s going on,’ like, ‘It’s not real,’ and their whole ‘Believe the Victim” is going to suddenly flip-flop and change, 100%.

“It’s going to be, ‘Well, until you can prove it, we don’t know if he’s really a victim.’ That’s what they’re going to do – if they do anything, at all.

“But the problem here is, and I told you before: if it was just Tim Walz resigning, that would make sense, OK? Then, maybe maybe nothing happened; maybe it’s just him resigning:

Board of Education Minutes: “A motion was made by Aldinger and seconded by Moore to accept the resignations of Tim Walz, Gwen Walz and Byron Green.”

“Why would all three resign at the exact same time – unless, of course, all three got canned at the exact same time, because not only was Tim Walz at an Indigo concert with a student, Gwen Walz was that an Indigo concert with a student: the same thing.

“So, you have two sick [ __ ] that are married, that are teaching in the school, that are taking advantage of these children and now you have Gwen Walz out on the Campaign Trail, reading books to kids at the library of ‘Two Gay Dads and their Cat’

“You couldn’t find like a a book that didn’t bring in sexuality, whatsoever; that didn’t specify if anybody was straight or gay – none of that stuff – you couldn’t you couldn’t do it, no. OK? That’s interesting to me, as well.

“Byron Green: I have not done my research on, but we’re going to figure out who Byron Green is, and exactly what he has done, because there’s obviously something…but I have to be somewhere at 1:15PM, so we have to stop for now y’all there’s just so much there’s you know…

“Thank you for being here, for being part of the live chat, for being part of the SquirrelTribe.

“Share this with people, whether it’s my video or you go on X and go to Black insurrectionist; whether it’s somebody else, this video on YouTube – whoever’s talking about this information and is bringing you the facts as they are, right now from this victim make sure you share it out to everybody, because this needs to be heard and not suppressed – which is what media is going to try to do – so don’t let it happen, OK?”

Running Time: 51 mins


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