WORLD WAR III: Will A Satanic Hissy Fit Begin On Monday, October 14th?!

Submitted by An Armchair Geopolitical Analyst
SOTN Exclusive

The Day of Atonement (also known as Yom Kippur) symbolizes the binding of Satan for 1,000 years (Revelation 20:2).

If you use the rabbinic calendar, the Day of Atonement is Saturday, October 12.

If you use the original phase calendar of the bible, the Day of Atonement occurs on October 14.

Imagine the rage created in Satan by what this day really symbolizes.

What better way to get even with God and humanity than by creating a global thermonuclear war?

NATO (aka North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) in Brussels will decide tonight at 1 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 10 AM in Brussels, whether Ukraine can use U.S. supplied long-range missiles to strike deep inside of Russia.

Those missiles require Western satellite guidance and other technical assistance, which makes Europe and the United States complicit in any attacks on Moscow and, therefore, subject to a full-on Russian retaliation.

Which means that the entire planetary civilization may be moments away from a kinetic World War III, very sorry to say.

State of the Nation
October 12, 2024


Putin Issues DIRE Late-Night Statement On Friday, October 11th . . . .

SOTN Editor’s Note: Yom Kippur, aka “The Day Of Atonement”, is the holiest day in Judaism.  This holy day is celebrated today—Saturday, October 12, 2024, but as the analysis above indicates, October 14 is the actual Day of Atonement.  Which means that something very BIG will likely take place next week which will prove to be the most historic game-changer of the Third Millennium.

YOM KIPPUR: You don’t know what you don’t
know … … … and you better know it fast!!!

Remember, the super-crazy Khazarians will do anything to get their way.  No Khazarian clusterf*ck is too devastating not to carry out according to their utterly warped and demonic belief system. See: Why The AshkeNAZIs Hate The Russians

So one can imagine just how livid the Khazarian barbarians are to hear this news:

Russia Announces They Have Evidence US and UK
Were Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings


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