Late Jewish sage Baal Sulman explains how Communism is the ultimate objective of Kabbalah


How to build communism with the help of Kabbalah science

In the “Works on the Last Generation” written in the 1920s, the great Kabbalist Baal Sulam described the principles of building a real communist society.


  1. Communism is an idea, that is, an ethical attitude. This is evidenced by the ultimate principle “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”


  1. Any ethics needs a basis that obliges it to exist. And education and public opinion are a very weak basis and proof of this – Hitler.


  1. Since any victory of beliefs is guaranteed to the majority and there is no need to say that the principles of corrected communism are implemented by the majority, it is necessary to approve the ethical level of the majority on a basis that will oblige and provide the assurance that corrected communism will never be distorted. There is not enough idea learned by a person from birth, since the bearer of the idea is a small minority.


  1. Kabbalah is the only basis that will give a reliable motive for raising the ethical level of society in order to achieve the principle of “from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.”


  1. Communism should be translated from the principle of “mine is mine and yours is yours”, which is the principle of the inhabitants of Sodom, to the principle of “mine is yours, and yours is yours,” that is, absolute altruism. When most of society accepts this teaching in practice, it will be time to move on to the principle of “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” And the sign of this will be that everyone will work as a contract worker.


  1. Before society reaches this ethical level, property cannot be nationalized. After all, until most of society has a reliable ethical basis, they will not have an incentive to work.


  1. The whole world is one family and, as a result, the principles of communism should be perceived by the whole world with an equal standard of living for all. However, in practice, this process is gradual. In other words, the people in which most of them will actually implement the principles of communism, which will become real incentives for them, will immediately move to communism.


  1. The economic and ethical basis, which serves as a guarantee of an altruistic society, is one for all peoples. As for ethical forms that do not affect the economy and other customs, everyone will have their own form, which should not be changed on purpose.


  1. The world should not be corrected in the direction of altruistic consciousness before the world is provided with a correction of the economy.


  1. It is necessary to develop a detailed program based on the above and other laws necessary for this. Everyone who joins an altruistic society must commit to its principles.


  1. First, a small organization should be created, most of which will be altruists who meet the above principles. They will work hard, as if on a contract, from 10 to 12 hours a day and even more. And everyone will work according to their abilities and receive according to their needs.


All forms of public administration will operate in this organization. Even if the whole world joins it, and the power of brute force completely disappears, there will be no need to change anything in work or management. This organization will be a kind of central point of the world, surrounded by peoples and states of the whole Earth.


All who join an altruistic society will have a program and leadership with the center, and they will really be as one people in terms of profits, losses and results.


  1. Members of the organization are strictly prohibited from resorting to the services of any judicial or any other authority operating in a power state. They will resolve all differences among themselves, that is, between the parties concerned. The opinion of a society that condemns selfishness will be a factor in condemning someone who uses the righteousness of another to his own benefit.


  1. The fact that most peoples treat Jews with hatred. Both religious among them, both secular and communists want Jews to be as few as possible. And the only way to combat this is for the hearts of these people to perceive true altruistic ethics, up to cosmopolitanism.


  1. If one person is forbidden to exploit others, why is one people allowed to exploit others? And on what basis does one people receive more from the earth than others? Therefore, communism must be international.


After all, as individuals, thanks to their diligence, either by chance or by inheritance, receive an excess share at the expense of the negligent, so it happens among peoples. In that case, why is the demand from individuals greater than from peoples?


  1. If you were on the island of savages, who can be called to order not by law, but only by their conversion to a certain religion, would you doubt, leaving them to destroy each other?


So with regard to altruism: everyone is savage and there is no other way to make altruism perceived by them than to use the Kabbalah technique. And can you think of giving them to yourself until they destroy each other with hydrogen bombs?


  1. There are three bases for spreading altruistic consciousness: satisfaction of spiritual aspiration, proof and agitation.


Satisfaction of spiritual aspiration will become a filling for the soul, a reward. And the reward for the people is their greatness.


The proof is the fact that the world cannot exist otherwise, especially in the nuclear era.


And agitation can serve as a substitute for evidence if it is conducted with due diligence.


  1. Because of the desire for property, the construction of altruistic communism is impossible without its pre-egoistic communism, as was proved by all societies that wanted to establish altruistic communism before Marxism. But now, when a third of the world’s countries have already laid the foundations for the rule of selfish communism, we can start building a viable altruistic communism based on the Kabbalah technique.


  1. The result of altruistic communism will be the complete disappearance of power rule, and “everyone will do what he thinks is right.” You should not be surprised or doubt it. After all, people also did not believe that it was possible to raise children with explanations, giving preference to rods.


However, today, in most parts of the world, powerful subordination to children has decreased. And these are children who have no patience and intelligence. And the community of people with patience and common sense and brought up in the spirit of altruism will not need power rule.


And indeed, there is nothing more humiliating and shameful for a person than to be subordinated to undisguised force.


They won’t even need courts, unless something out of the ordinary happens when the neighbors fail to influence the person who is an exception. Then specialist educators will explain to him the need to care for the good of society until they put him back on track.


And if there is a stubborn person who will not help, then society will move away from him as an outcast until he again begins to comply with the laws of society.


It follows that after the foundations of a united society of altruistic communism are laid, and its majority in practice assumes the implementation of these laws, it will immediately be decided not to lead each other to any courts, or to the authorities, or other law enforcement agencies. Everything will be resolved through a mild explanation, as mentioned above.


Therefore, no one will be accepted into the community before he is checked whether he is too rude and unable to educate in the spirit of altruism.


  1. It will be a good state when no one will demand from society to meet their needs. For this purpose, people will be chosen to study what everyone lacks and allocate it to those in need. And public opinion will condemn someone who demands something for himself, as a rude and immoral person, as thieves and robbers are condemned today.


Therefore, each person’s thoughts will be aimed only at giving back to his neighbor, because education will force him to do it before he feels his own needs.


If a person wants to jump on the table, he must prepare to jump above the table, then he will jump on it. And if he wants to jump only to the height of the table, he will fall without reaching what he wants.


  1. It should be recognized that selfish communism is a stage on the road to justice. But I claim that the time has come for the second stage – altruistic communism. And it is necessary to establish it as an example in one country, because then it will definitely be accepted by those who are at the first stage.


And it is very important to hurry, because the shortcomings and power methods of selfish communism distance most of the civilized world from this system as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to demonstrate the ideal communism to the world, and then, undoubtedly, most of the civilized world will accept it.


It should be very feared that the imperialists would not have time to destroy communism before. And if our ideal concept is widely made public, of course, the imperialists will become kings without an army.


  1. It is clear that a good and stable life of society is impossible if the differences between its members are not resolved by the majority. Hence, it becomes clear that good power in society is possible only if the majority in it are good people.


Thus, a good society is a society in which the majority are good people. And a bad society is one in which the majority are bad people. That’s what I meant in paragraph 3, saying that it is impossible to establish communism until the desire to give has been established in most of society.


  1. No agitation can forcibly ensure the viability of the system in future generations. Neither education nor public opinion, which by nature weaken over time, will help here, except for religion, which by its nature only increases over time.


And we see from experience that peoples to whom religion was initially instilled by violent methods, in subsequent generations adhere to it of their own choice and desire. Moreover, they even sacrifice their lives for her.


It should be understood that although the fathers adopted altruistic communism, being idealists, there is no certainty that their sons will continue to maintain this system after them. And it is needless to say that if he was vaccinated to his fathers by violent methods, as is customary in selfish communism, it will not exist forever. In the end, it will be abolished.


It is impossible to establish a system based on simple coercion for centuries. Only altruistic consciousness can be a coercive factor.


  1. When I say that it is impossible to establish a communist regime until an altruistic majority appears, it does not mean that everything will happen thanks to the idea, at the will of the heart. This will be done thanks to the Kabbalah technique combined with public opinion. This will allow communism to exist forever, since the main coercive factor will be altruistic consciousness.


  1. It is necessary to remember the suffering and agony of poverty, massacres and wars, widows and orphans wandering around the world and seeking salvation in an altruistic society – then it will not be difficult for a person to put his life to save them from complete destruction and terrible suffering. Especially if we are talking about a young man whose heart has not yet hardened because of his own needs, he will certainly help it with all his soul and with all his strength.



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