This is the primary reason why both weaponized superstorms were aimed at Tampa by the NWO geoterrorists.

Here’s why the geoengineers targeted Tampa with weather weapon Hurricanes Helene and Milton….

MacDill AFB following Hurricane Helene

…and twice in one month’s time! (See photo below)

Because of the intensive multi-decade mind control programming and social engineering operations that every American is subjected to from cradle to grave, this revelation will be reflexively rejected by the Right.  So please open you mind to possibilities that exit outside of your Overton’s window before you stop reading or post an uninformed comment.

Every major act of geoterrorism and/or weather warfare on the order of the geoengineered superstorm Hurricane Milton has multiple objectives.  For example:


However, with a weapon weapon the size and magnitude of Hurricane Milton, there are almost always very serious hidden agendas behind these geoterrorist attacks, some of which may seem counterintuitive.  For example:

Clearly there was a highly concealed purpose behind the
weather attack on Florida that is quite mind-blowing!

Now many will say that targeting U.S Central Command (CENTCOM) headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base (which is located eight miles south of Tampa, Florida) because it is closely coordinating with Israel to launch a major multi-pronged attack on Iran is not realistic.

And, by the way, there are other very significant reasons why Tampa was targeted:

Here’s why Hurricanes Ian and Milton were deliberately
aimed by the NWO geoengineers at TAMPA BAY

MacDill Air Force Base is actually located right in the center of Tampa Bay.  Throughout the evolution of Hurricane Milton, one of the main MSM headlines was the immense and catastrophic storm surges expect in Tampa Bay, which would have quite seriously flooded MacDill Air Force Base.  In fact, the base was upgraded to the highest degree of emergency readiness to cope with that expectation.

Destructive storm surge seen across Tampa Bay area
following Hurricane Milton’s landfall

KEY POINT: So what we have here was a HUGE warning to CENTCOM at MacDill AFB, issued via frankenstorm “MILTON THE MONSTER” by the leftwing camp of NWO globalist cabal to the DOD, NOT to work with Israel militarily.

A US-Israeli joint invasion of Iran would involve such an overwhelming series of attacks  that would be met with a staggering counter-attack by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, which would not only see the massive launch of hypersonic ICBMs and highly weaponized drones at key military targets all over Israel, it would also likely push the world into a full-scale WW3 scenario (especially in light of the various mutual defense treaties that have been secretly signed by Iran, Russia, China, Syria, Iraq, Turkey and others.

The communist side of the NWO cabal knows that both Biden and Harris are completely ill-equipped to deal with such a devastating regional hot war just before this highly consequential  election.  The world community of nations would see, in glowing color, that both of these chief idiots of the American Idiocracy could not even handle the never-ending invasion of waves of criminal illegal aliens across the open borders much less a kinetic World War III.

Bottom Line: It also appears that the left-wingers in the Pentagon helped send Milton to its CENTCOM headquarters in Tampa because those liberal flag officers do not want to fight a war for Israel, especially given how thinly spread the U.S. Armed Forces are across the planet at this moment (what better excuse for the CENTCOM brass to present to their IDF and MOSSAD counterparts to suspend the collaboration).  Such a misguided Zionist attack plan would certainly embroil the US in yet another forever war as well.

— A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S Military Officer

State of the Nation
October 11, 2024


Tampa’s MacDill Air Force Base without power and sustains damage after Hurricane Helene

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