Hidden Forces Are Now Moving Mountains To Making Sure Kamala Harris Loses—BIG TIME!!!

Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst
SOTN Exclusive

Most folks are trying real hard to figure out how the American [ENTIRELY WARPED] political Hegelian Dialectic really works.

It’s really very simple.

There is a global power structure that looks like a pyramid (see graphic above).  Which is why there are so many pyramids strewn across the planet—to remind us that this is how the world really works.  In other words, the reptiles at the very top of the food chain eat US for lunch each and every day.

Top Satan

At the very peak of the pinnacle of the world power pyramid resides the top Satan.  He has no dog in the fight; and has only one objective—to stage every major fight, and control all the fighters below him, and dictate the outcome of each fight.

Look at the top Satan as the most powerful patriarch of a HUGE multigenerational global crime syndicate whose tentacles are spread around the globe.

He knows that in order to remain at the very top of planetary food chain, he has to effectively use his divide and conquer techniques with everyone below him.  Because he knows it’s practically impossible for him to rule exclusively by fear and coercion 24/7.

KEY POINT: This recent attempt on a lesser but quite notorious Antichrist is a perfect example that no one is safe from the jaws of karma whenever the top Satan so wills it: THE MOST MARKED MAN ON PLANET EARTH.

What’s the crucial point here?

It make no difference to the top Satan who wins on this Election Day because he controls them both—COMPLETELY.  It may not always look like that, but he certainly does.

However, the top Satan does have a long-range plan to keep the entire American body politic totally engaged, and either playing the game or watching it.

Toward that end, he has utilized all the technologies and techniques, strategies and tactics, measures and means that has as many voters as possible within the U.S. electorate afflicted with Political Bipolar Complex.

He’s done a pretty good job, hasn’t he. See: THE GREATEST HOPE PORN PSYOP IN WORLD HISTORY

Exactly what is Political Bipolar Complex and from where did it come from? As follows:

American Political Bipolar Complex Put On Super
Steroids With Trump Assassination Attempt

So, how has this game worked during the 2024 election cycle?

Well, first VP Kamala Harris was a daily train wreck prior to Joe Biden being declared mentally incompetent by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.

Remember when Biden hated her, her staff hated her, and she hated herself.  She could do nothing right and she did everything wrong—ALL THE TIME!  Her staff turned over somewhere between 10 and 20 times in less than 3.5 years.

Then they had to get rid of “Sleepy Creepy Joe” because he was fast becoming sleepier and creepier by the day.  And then, all of the sudden, Kamala is the Queen.  She’s the best…even better than Joe when he was at his very best!  And she is then instantly and magically crowned — without any real consensus-taking or voting — as  “Queen Donkey of the Democrat Party”.

So, now she campaigning, well, let’s just say she’s mixing one word salad after another, between countless cackling episodes, since her miraculous coronation.

Then what happened?

Along with a hundred other crash and burns, Kamala’s handlers make sure she does this epic disaster.

This video is proof positive that even the
Harris campaign wants her to LOSE!


Unless you’re a Democrat Donkey … and then you do anything you damn well please, even if it means blowing up the party FOR GOOD!!!

State of the Nation
October 19, 2024


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