Israel, you and your God—YAHWEH—are coming down from your mountain–Mount Zion.

Our World’s Cataclysmic Reality of an End Times Wrapped Within Biblical Mythology (Part VII)


By a Mortal Man


1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. … 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 14 The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.       John 1:  Christian Standard Bible


Obviously the power of words is formidable when the very word can become God (at least in the religious imagination). Never then underestimate this truth. However, this power can be diverted in many ways for many reasons. Even the proverbial devil can use the power of language to deceive and engage in absolute evil while claiming to speak for a benign Supreme Being and for justice—even to a point of getting his words printed as Holy Scripture.

Modern Apocrypha Yours Truly


We do have a moral imperative to speak out against whatever wrongs and injustices we encounter in the world—no matter how large or small, near or far. If we do not speak out, not only do we become complicit through silence, but the act actually changes essentially who we are. So we speak out to make sure that we do not change who we are or the essential blessing of life that we have received, so that we continue in our striving to be among the righteous in the world. 

From Life’s Daily Blessings: Inspiring Reflections on Gratitude and Joy for Every Day, Based on Jewish Wisdom by Rabbi Kerry M. Olitzky Speaking Out September 15 (daily reflection).


[Note: This author was in the hospital for almost one month for what was supposed to be a two or three day procedure. It was an ordeal. But it is Palestinians to whom we should be concerned who no longer have the medical viability and staffing to deal with the barbarity and brutality of the Israelis (let alone pain relief). Hence this essay has been delayed by one month. Likely it will be my last essay to be disseminated prior to the selection-election so we need to make this count. Realize as well this author is not caught up in any left versus right paradigm (and all the biased and distorted reporting found seemingly everywhere). Truth, a value sometimes far harder to obtain and grasp, is the goal irrespective of personal politics, and frankly anyone still voting for either the Democratic or Republican parties can be thought literally ‘retarded’ (delayed in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment). Please read this essay, and then share, link, email and publish. Again you will find more unique thoughts and attitudes within as we all should be following our own stars. Thank you.]


[Note: Summary of previous essays: We have come a long way in the first six parts of these treatise. We covered the fact of an enormous amount of deceit in the mainstream media, as well as in alternative news sources on the Internet—especially related to the “two party duopoly” in which both Republican voters and Democrat voters are being fed different versions of manipulative mind control and deceit. We especially focused on how Zionist Christians and/ or Evangelical Christians are being unduly misled to think an End Times of the World, as described in the biblical Book of Revelation, is about to take place in this 21st century (when it was really meant for the earliest centuries of the Common Era while Rome still ruled the world). Moreover, we now realize how few orthodox Christian denominations have bothered to acknowledge, recognize or adjust to the recently discovered Dead Sea Scrolls found by the Dead Sea, or the Gnostic Gospels found in Egypt in this last 20th century, and how these various once-ignored or rejected writings (censored tracts by the authoritarian nature of certain early Roman, Christian bishops) can now reveal, if allowed, new ideas and impressions about how the history of both Judaism and Christianity evolved (substantially changing peoples’ potential interpretation of religious history and Biblical meaning). And then we recently re-examined the Adam and Eve Story in the early Book of Genesis to show how it sheds light on an authoritarian nature of the Pentateuch, to which it condemns any individualist interpretation of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and how this “psychology of politics” within religious supremacy, can and does lay the groundwork for various priesthoods, or Rabbinates, to censor alternative ideas to finding truth (thus legitimizing those religious authorities’ right to censor information). And while traversing these discussions we then came to understand such ancient religious formulations, ultimately dictated by human beings claiming to speak for Divine Authority via prophesy (cannot be questioned) as coming from the supposed sanctity of the Bible, only to lend similar authoritarian practices to more modern ‘secular’ governments to equally manipulate the common people into submission, while giving both religious and political leaders undue power to control the masses, such as to what they the plebes can think about and discuss freely (such as now trying to  justify unjust wars, as in what is happening in Gaza these last several months). Concurrently, to maintain this form of gas-lighting of psychological domination, both Democrat and Republican candidates, and equally many news media shilling sources, including on the Internet, are corralling the American people to voting once again for only one of either two corrupt political hegemons (that are ultimately led by the same “deep state” puppeteers to the great detriment of people around the entire world—potentially even leading to a true end-of-the-world nuclear war). This journey has been both interesting and highly alarming—and frankly there is, as of this publication, still no easy denouement to this hell-of-a-world-state in politics. Amen. Here is a link or two to previous parts of this treatise. Feel free to equally share and link]: 


[Note: This series title is not retrievable on most search engines unless you tag parentheses “” markers around the exact title—with partial results. Censorship yes. However the following exact links above could likely proceed accordingly.]


Our World’s Cataclysmic Reality of an End Times Wrapped Within Biblical Mythology Part VII Begins:


It cannot be stated emphatically enough that the vast majority of Americans are being led to their Pied Piper over-the-cliff destruction and deaths, regardless of whether they vote for Republican Donald Trump or Democrat shoe-in Kamala Harris (and other minion candidates from these same corrupted and entrenched parties).


The sheer fact that so many Americans are STILL voting for either one of these highly corrupt political parties is beyond rational explanation; and, to think they, the masses, are AGAIN falling for ANOTHER repeat episode of the “better of two evils” is beyond sane explanation. Regardless nothing is more ‘democratic’ than masses of lunatics bothering to vote in what is known to be an orchestrated process.


The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.   H.L. Mencken

Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.   H.L. Mencken


MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill


Can you say: “America is a massively gas-lit* and a foolishly naïve culture” (which acts as if there are no other viable alternative choices in a nation of over 300 million people)?


*The definition of ‘gaslight’ from Google: Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.


Sounds like practically everything we are hearing from the warmongers?


[Note: This series or articles too have been written to question readers’ assumptions and to motivate them into thinking in new directions. In fact it has been assumed within these essays that most Americans are far more naïve than they think themselves to be, such as underestimating the massive and professional extent they are routinely lied to, and misled, such as to how to think about the media, politicians, party politics, their religious assumptions, and important facets of history. However, there is no conscious attempt herein to trick people into blindly believing anything. This is not a gas lighting operation. We as a society desperately need some very curious and diligent researchers and activists to study and understand the serious nature of what the real and most important issues are for all humanity. So realize that if many people are already brainwashed, to one degree or another, many will become suspicious of those who imply that their deeper convictions may be wrong. This is the psychological environment in which we operate (whether we like it or not). Basically too many people assume too much, and some of their assumptions can create great vulnerabilities—because the potential for real danger is not just in the imagination. THIS PLANET IS NOT SOME GARDEN OF EDEN OR HEAVENLY REALM. To understand this real worldly predicament herein with an occasional blue firmament requires a lot of *curiosity, *research, *concern, *skepticism and *intelligence—not what the overlords in the Deep State care for you to cultivate.]


It may be obvious by now, too few Americans are aware of the more sophisticated forms of real conspiracy that are, nevertheless, encircling their livelihoods and destroying their freedoms. Like corralled cattle they are instead focused on deliberately and dramatically highlighted conspiracies that are readily made available.


Have you purchased insurance for pet theft yet?


Trump 2024 Still Standing Fist Flag Trump 2024 $49.95


Yes then there are real, complex and important conspiracies taking place that can seem confusing to many people. These topics typically demand more attention span and patient deliberation as if positioned by multiple variable chess pieces—whereas it’s Q-Anon people who about about 4-D chess while they themselves are playing 2-D checkers). Most real conspiracies are not as psychologically juiced as cuddly cats being skinned or darling ducks having their heads cut off by human predators. Nevertheless, such sensational stories are easily buttressed with sound bites and catchwords, and can readily instill alarm and fear to those people with shallow disciplinary attention. Whereas the more important topics that require time, acuity and attention go ignored by the majority.


For example, for those who think themselves as conservatives, or republicans, have been directed, over the last many months, to indulge a cornucopia of stories about never-ending criminal, opportunistic, or militarily trained immigrants invading the homeland, such as at Eagle Pass Texas; and Venezuelan criminals taking over apartments in Colorado (thus creating or enhancing the Hegelian problem of border insecurity and outside threats to then sell red-blooded American solutions such as more forms of electronic surveillance and electronic voter IDs which ultimately is what the deep state has been planning all along).


For example, too few understand how the “migrant invasion crisis” (whether completely real in all its melodrama or partially exaggerated) is being used to force more draconian electronic surveillance realities on ‘all’ peoples crossing our homeland border, and then eventually on all of us Americans, and equally the entire new world order (in which Donald Trump and his pals Elon Musk and Peter Theil are pushing—one reason why Musk and Theil are so substantively funding Trump’s campaign). The Powers-That-Are, and other connected elites, have centralized electronic surveillance and control goals, which will expand far beyond border crossings. Humanity is fast approaching complete surveillance subjugation, such that you will be required to have an electronic ID to vote in elections (and frankly to participate in any and all economic and communal activities). Still many will eager concede if they think the danger of invasion is being mitigated.


Whitney Webb Part 2: Deep Politics, National Security State, Surveillance & Blackmail


Whereas, many on the left especially, have come to believe the common element carbon, essentially one of the biological building blocks of life, is somehow detrimental to life on the planet. Mammals, for eons of time, have breathed in the atmospheric gas of oxygen in exchange for breathing out carbon. Google says the “carbon cycle of breathing”:

… refers to the process where humans inhale carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that was previously released by plants through photosynthesis, then use that carbon to create energy within their bodies, and finally exhale that carbon back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide through breathing, completing the cycle by returning the carbon to the environment for plants to reuse.


Nevertheless, many, normally somewhat intelligent people, including those with college degrees, and belonging to professional associations, cannot imagine, for a moment, or two, or a lifetime, that some environmental issues (as marketed by shady moneyed interests) really have nothing to really do with the environment, and everything to do with restricting peoples’ freedoms and consumptions on a grandiose and totalitarian scale.


However, this is not to imply there are no significant environmental or population related issues. There are plenty. And yet some issues are manufactured to get people around the world to succumb to totalitarian answers (for the 99%). But when you try to share alternative expert sources to many know-it-all believers they shrug their shoulders and tell you are the one who is brainwashed. Life is beyond being interesting when the world is so polarized that many refuse to do their due diligence research and try to maintain an open mind.


Nonetheless, one of the more ideologically leftist of all pundits, namely Michael Moore, co-produced a film with Jeff Gibbs called Planet of the Humans in which he at least shows how several ‘green’ NGO non-profits have sold out to false solutions. Still could it possibly be the case that it is not just NGOs who have sold out? Is it possible that University Research Departments, related Ph.D. experts, and those corporations funding such research, have equally been involved in dubious science? Skeptical people who have a clue on the complex nature of humanity would at least question all sources of an important debate—and the more serious the debate the more they would invest time to be skeptical and do their own due diligence (but often they do not). This is the real world we live in—seeking biased perspectives that already validate what we wish to believe.


Essentially then the Democrat/ Republican Duopoly and the mainstream media are ignoring the big picture that this world is quickly evolving into a massive, electronic surveillance police state while the majority of voters are sidelined with red herrings.


Red Herring | Say What?! Animal Idioms


[Note: This essay may not seem particularly related to End Times prophesy and biblical analysis but we can realize that we all ultimately live in our own end times realities and historical dramas. And it is hard to imagine a more potentially cataclysmic time in history than our own (regardless as to whether it has anything to do with ancient Biblical scriptures). As our history and technology progresses it will be near impossible for mankind to avoid major cataclysmic disasters.]


Derrick Broze wrote the following article:

Whether Through Biden, Harris, or Trump — Digital ID’s Are Coming to America 

Check this essay out and the included video in which Trump announcing to a crowd: “We will finally complete the biometric, entry-exit, VISA tracking system which we need desperately…”):

Therein Broze writes:

“Privacy advocates have long criticized Peter Thiel’s Palantir of being a prime example of a private surveillance firm intertwined with the national security state. Palantir has also played a large role in COVID-19 contact tracing surveillance.” 

“Thiel continues to play a role in U.S. politics through his funding of Trump’s Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance, and funding Trump’s 2016 campaign. Thiel, along with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, is a steering committee member of the secretive Bilderberg Group.”


Digital IDs are not just about having an electronic driver’s license. You needing an official electronic ID to have access to a plethora of governmental databases for information and viability, such as your Social Security information or medical history. Nor are Digital IDs simply about State and the Federal governments (and International bodies, such as the United Nations) centralizing “all” your information, etc. It is also about simultaneous New World International Order or NWO conspiracy agendas, such as forcing people everywhere into using electronic money, while various authorities surveil your usage of every dime, nickel and quarter (or even penalizing your money) and!!, requiring that “all” your Internet usage, and information sharing, is available to be surveilled, as well, by the Powers-That-Are, and those new world order oligarchic Powers-To-Become. You, and frankly no one, will have any privacy, nor any rights which are not subject to various elitists in power. These in-roads to electronic surveillance circuitry will lead to complete subjugation, and you, nor your friends, will be able to organize any kind of rebellion to reestablish freedom (without them knowing it).


Why then is this not this topic in presidential and vice presidential debates? Meanwhile:


United Nations And The WEF | Former UN Executive Director Blows The Whistle 


Seemingly then many human lemmings are ready to salute more electronic passports, electronic borders, electronic IDs to vote, and prove their identity before they can access the Internet or buy anything. So they may, or may not, eventually be eating bugs but they will be making huge sacrifices for the sake of global warming and health related conspiracies—while the International Order of the United Nations takes center stage (and organization already shown to have been corrupted).


Not surprisingly people are often offended when they are referred to as mere cattle, and yet cattle at least are valued as something which routinely provides food and milk. However, humans, of late, are simply thought as demanding too much in the name of resources and unlimited political rights, while engaging in an excess bread and circus, or entertainment and selfish consumption, while also procreating more generations of consumers that put even more demand on what are essentially limited resources. This planet does have limited resources—this is a fact. Look at how various countries now are competing for precious metals and fuel. Therefore it really should not surprise anyone that there are real conspiracies to lower the human population drastically.


And so if Digital ID’s and digital currencies are a serious threat to humanity’s freedoms, which they are, then why are both Democrat and Republican candidates essentially behind these goals (or at least allowing these realities to transpire with their silence)?


Moreover, why have both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris stated, in one way or another, they are for limiting free speech, especially as related to criticism of Israel (such as more regulation of the Internet)? Instead we see biased distortions that if Kamala Harris is elected we will lose the 1st Amendment (pushed by the likes of Elon Musk who himself censors free speech especially for Israel’s ADL) when it is obvious the same will happen under Donald Trump as well? This has been documented in previous parts of this series.


The Republican Party Platform Under Donald Trump is Pro-Israel and Anti-Free Speech by Derrick Broze 


So why then did so many people even bother to watch the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris? Likely because they have resigned themselves to again accept the election selection outcome between two corrupt, sellout, political parties—neither of which remedied the problems of election theft.


While republican voters and independents noticed limited protests outside the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this summer there were no significant protests against the Republican National Convention (where there should have been many!!!!). Apparently the so-called red-pilled are not vulnerable to acting as if they too essentially are also Halloween zombies? When the entire public loses who needs an October surprise?


Even given the enormity of conspiratorial opposition against Trump it still seems bizarrely ignominious how so many Americans have again fallen for the mediocre Trump train and his reality-show personage. Apparently they have felt so disenfranchised knowing that his 2000 election was stolen (still buttressed by deep state liars) and also many other conspiracies that have operated against this supposed outsider, that they cannot see any more momentous puppeteer strings being played (even if the equivalent to a mere 3-D chess). Yes Donald has the charm but truly how hard can it really be to say the obvious about such a corrupt Democratic party and then get massive concurrence? Isn’t the obvious well obvious? It doesn’t take a genius to point out what everyone already knows.


When Elon Musk interviewed Donald Trump it became somewhat apparent that neither of these men are truly the sharpest knives in the galley, even if there overall sentiments and values seem aligned with the American tradition. The average CEO does not need to have a super high IQ, but rather he or she needs to be able to communicate and motivate with a wide variety of people.


The only thing we Americans can once again bank on is that Trump’s new Administration will again be Israel First, Israel Second and Israel Third—as was his first Administration. And again he will staff the White House with more from the same malodorous swamp. Little is going to change. Meanwhile he did damn little in the four years he was out of office to truly initiate any real change, such as his efforts to free imprisoned January 6th patriots was mediocre at best. Why was he not camping outside the Washington D.C. jail where ‘his’ patriots were being illegally imprisoned and abused? Why was he not protesting in real time with any real fiery commitment against something so odious to American freedom? Instead four years of whining from one podium or another. Pathetic to say the least. A real lion would have demanded immediate release and not succumbed until his demands were met (and he could have got millions and millions of voters to have called in to their respective Congress representatives). But again he didn’t show any real commitment. TALK IS CHEAP. Chump Trump!


Meanwhile Israeli-firster Jared Kushner and other Israeli-firsters will again be helping running America for Israeli priorities: See podcast:


The Return of Trump & Kushner, Atrocity Propaganda, End Times Fanatics—Kushner,-Atrocity-Propaganda,-End-Times-Fanatics-:d 


Who Are Sheeple?  When you discover that the word sheeple appears not just in user-contributed references such as Wikipedia and the Urban Dictionary but also in such august, well-vetted tomes as the Merriam Webster Dictionary and Oxford Living Dictionary, you realize that herd mentality and herd behavior are issues of serious concern. In all these sources, sheeple is basically defined as a derogatory noun referring to a group of people who are docile, foolish, and as easily led as a herd of sheep.,what%20those%20around%20them%20do


Also the ballyhooed assassination attempts on Donald Trump’s life were about as believable as a hippopotamus walking on water. Still such dramas swept away other more sober stories like the continuous genocide killing in Gaza. Little the Secret Service agents did (if they really were SS agents) in Butler Ohio was according to professional training protocol.


To kick a dead horse once again—it’s not about unsubstantiated rumors of Iranian agents here in America trying to knock off the Trumpster—rather it is insiders herein creating a real modern gulag system. To have a close knowledge of Donald Trump’s public statements over time reveal to all that he is not particularly grounded in any sort of absolute adherence to the Bill of Rights or universal freedoms. Rather his rhetoric seems more like a sunshine patriot (arbitrary depending on how the weather portends).


A report by ACLU says: “Digital driver’s licenses will give institutions a major new tool by which individuals can be inescapably tracked.”

Identity Crisis: What Digital Driver’s Licenses Could Mean for Privacy, Equity, and Freedom 2021


Whereas the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University School of Law, on its’ webpage, features an article called: Paving a Digital Road to Hell? As it starts out:

“Around the world, governments are enthusiastically adopting digital identification systems. In this 2022 report, we show how global actors, led by the World Bank, are energetically promoting such systems. They proclaim that digital ID will provide an indispensable foundation for an equitable, inclusive future. But a specific model of digital ID is being promoted—and a growing body of evidence shows that this model of digital ID is linked to large-scale human rights violations.” 


Regardless these United Nations and World Economic Forum hegemony stories are not hot topics in the mainstream media, nor in the Democratic and Republican parties, nor on most alternative websites which still focus on promoting these two corrupt parties (when they should be rejecting both political parties and most of their corrupted politicians).


Whereas we Americans, especially, like more simplistic dramas that do not heavily task our short attention spans, so we can go back to playing golf, shopping or watching football, boxing and professional wrestling.


Our complacent, and somewhat naïve mindsets, have survived several decades because our needs, for the most part, have been met. Surely there are more homeless now, and inflation is really making its pinch, but for a very long time we Americans have essentially become like spoiled kids (even as this is not referring so much of younger people who are waking up). Still for decades many of us have had the PRIVILEDGE of being intellectually lazy and presumptuously docile. After all we lived in an Empire (that has literally dominated the planet). We were not pained enough to dig for deeper truths when so many so many false stories were available to pacify our naïveté or guilt.


Accordingly we have been afforded a right to be ignorant, misled, misinformed, while allowed the privilege to focus on self-centered pursuits, maintaining a general lacking in curiosity beyond our immediate cares. There has always been plenty consumer goods to purchase. No war has touched our soil. Economic prosperity has been taken for granted for a long time. Therefore many of us could care less about the burning issues of the day if they do not directly touch our lives (or we invested in a never ending series of hobgoblins like Iranians bad and Christians good—end of story).


Plus there remained always the excuse of “No time to be bothered,” and “No reward in dwelling on the negative,” and equally, and especially, the ubiquitous: “There is nothing we can do about changing things anyway” (especially true and inevitable when we do not understand the real issues adequately in the first place).


Many other billions of people around the planet have dumbfounded shaken their heads in dismay, for years, wondering how we have remained so passively taken in (even if we cannot completely escape sensational news sound bites that magically flash across whatever screen we have before our eyes).


So why then are not more people savvy to potential troubles which loom large? One answer has to do with how much effort people bother to exert trying to find more credible sources of news reporting. Many people still are not purple-pilled. They think if they have caught onto the deceptions of the oppositional party while they need not be suspicious their own party too engages in deceit and red herrings.


[To be purple pilled is to be awoken to the deceptions of both major political parties and how these two parties actually aim for the same goals using alternative means.]


Normally curiosity is a positive and healthy trait—in fact it is necessary for survival. Why then are so many people not especially curious but are rather just more cynical (inclined to give up trying to figure out anything and trusting little)? It is not just information overload.


It is also true deep truth tellers have a habit of getting smeared and censored. Equally often phony fact checkers are smearing those trying to tell us what is really going on. Or certain voices are simply relegated to the sidelines, censored or ignored while getting little to no reach.


There are people telling the truth but too few are aware of who they are or are persuaded by propaganda such individuals are crazy, bad news looney tunes. More easily swayed people then defer checking out the original sources of those smeared—not understanding the some of the best and most potent sources of real news.


We Americans need to learn how to find legitimate and trustworthy sources of information. Truth is not obvious. We need to work diligently every day to find it. Why do common people take so much for granted and continue to trust both the mainstream media and mainstream alternative internet media and sell out politicians? It is because they have instilled too much trust in what they see as authority figures (doubting their own hunches).


Surely most websites share some levels of truth otherwise their rackets would be quickly be discovered. What will it take for Americans to become truly disillusioned? How much abuse does the average person have to suffer before he or she starts to wake up? Given the real economy and the state of real Zionist dominated foreign policy we may not have much time to learn these answers. of Forbes Magazine published article called How To Harness Curiosity As An Emotional Intelligence Strategy by Kevin Kruse. 

But do we really need to be lectured on how to harness curiosity? Curiosity is a normal human trait in a healthy society. Equally it is not so much emotional but very much intellectual as well. The word ‘curious’ is related to the words cure, care, secure and security because curiosity is related to being aware of danger and thus a necessary for survival (for all living creatures). Just like the word ‘aware’ is related to the words beware and wary. We need to stay attuned to our environment (and learn of what it really consists).


Shortly we will meet a young woman, namely Whitney Webb, who has become respected a great deal for her significant investigative journalism into deep corruption and conspiracy. But before we go there it seems important to appeal to the huge generation of reading fans who enjoyed the Harry Potter series of books by Joanne K. Rowling, a seven novel series about a young boy wizard and his wizard friends. Wikipedia says 600 million books have been sold while these fantasy stories have been translated into 84 languages.


Still it’s not too surprising there have been those ‘adult’ pundit gurus, many Christian, who have cautioned or renounced against these novels as somehow evil, and warned parents not to allow their children to read them. In fact there is a Wikipedia page Religious debates over the Harry Potter series dedicated to this social reality.


So many religions have been labeled pagan and somehow demonic because they do not adhere to Christian doctrines. While are over a dozen major religions and arguable thousands of religions worldwide, still anything that does not give center stage to Christianity is often automatically presumed suspect and potentially demonic. This too is part of the fear-based religious orders (that claim to be based on love when at a deeper level they are based on fear (often an incredible amount of fear)). How do you explain a religion that has an authoritarian God who demands the deaths of thousands and thousands, and who supposedly creates angels who supposedly choose to rebel and become evil (and who are motivated to tempt simpler humans to go against this God), and who creates a hell of eternal torture, etc.? Is this not a religion that is primarily motivated by fear even as it overtly claims to be motivated by a loving God?


These are questions that mature adults not only have a right to ask but a duty to ask.


What psychology really demands such a jealous loyalty that one is not even allowed to question such an underlying game of religious politics? Any other parent, or authority figure, who engaged in such a power relation with the less powerful would be labeled abusive. Why do some religions and religious scriptures get exempted from normal forms of human understanding and intuition—that is they cannot be questioned?


[Note: This is not an argument against religion per se. All societies have had religions and will likely continue to have them. Religions are part of human society. Meanwhile some atheist types adhere to various ideologies that operate like religions with blind believers. But this does not mean that people should remain indifferent from judging any given religion; after all, religions are, at least partly, the creation of the human imagination. Those prophets who claimed to speak for God in the ancient Bible, no matter how prominent their name, were after all mere humans with all manner of human vulnerability. And moreover every form of human institution can become corrupted—even exalted and dominant religions. Therefore people have the right to decide for themselves which aspects of religious scripture they wish to honor or not honor—regardless what Bible thumping preachers may have to say on the matter.]


Equally significant is the fact that there is no such thing as an absolute faithful accounting of reality at any given time in history. Life, and the interpretation of life, is always a combination of fact and fiction. What was considered high magic a few hundred years ago is now mundane science such as the telephone and microwave oven. Airplanes recently came onto the scene as did laser surgery for one’s cataract blindness. The etymology of a miracle, from Latin mirari is “to wonder at, marvel, be astonished.” What part of human history and the history of the human mind has not had moments of wonder and astonishment (and will continue so into eternity)?


Therefore stories like Harry Potter, as boy wizard, are not necessary evil nor unrelated to human life. Is it not a wonderment how many children actually were motivated to read Rowling’s novels (as thick going often over 400 pages)? More on this a little later.


The Millennial generation (born between 1981 and 1996) were heavily Harry Potter fans, and they should still be very curious about the present and the future of mankind (as should all subsequent generations). According to Britannica Encyclopedia defining events and characteristics of Millennials:


“Comprising some 72 million individuals in the United States … (born between 1946 and 1964). Millennials in the United States grew up during a period of relative stability and economic prosperity. In their 2000 book, Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation, Howe and Strauss noted that millennials had “never known a year in which America doesn’t get richer.” The September 11, 2001, attacks, however, punctured the semblance of security millennials had known up until then. … The terrorist attacks were the first of a number of crises that defined millennials’ adulthoods; others were the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, whose costly failures made millennials question the idea of American exceptionalism; and the Great Recession of 2007–09, which contributed to millennials’ difficulty in achieving the same milestones and affluence of earlier generations … the first modern generation to be economically worse off than their parents … known for being adaptable … first digital generation, quickly acclimating to new technologies … They are the generation that has received the most formal education … They are also more diverse and more politically liberal when compared with earlier generations.


It is not fair to argue no major change can happen in this world without potentially enlisting some of these many people (including those truly aware in subsequent generations)?


And this is not to argue the recruitment of movie stars who act in such productions or various celebrities, who have too often have proven their own mediocrity in real life, or who crate alliances with corrupt forces such as in found in Hollywood and other entertainment empires should be equally esteemed. Much of Hollywood has turned against the American middle class.


Still we need to re-interpret fantasy stories such as about wizards and wizardry into more realistic down-to-earth terms to see if they can mean anything in real life terms and help with life’s innumerable problems.


When someone thinks of a wizard they likely think of sorcery or magic. But if we look at the word itself in a dictionary it means cleverness and having great skill (which are real human potentialities). It is related to the word ‘wise’ and sagacious with a root meaning “to know” as in knowledge and practiced skill. Wizards are along the same line as are geniuses. They do exist and can make a difference.


Even your typical fantasy wizard is related to knowledge and wisdom (and education) which is why the Harry Potter novels took place in an academy called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They too had to learn skills. Therefore we can deduce that in the “real world” (which also arguably has real wizards) the true meaning of wizardry can be defined as the study of power—in every form and kind.


And just know there are people who specialize in studying power in every form and kind—including the more evil forms of power such as the ability to manipulate people regardless of ethical concerns. So we can conclude that in nonfictional society awareness of wizardry is a noble (knowing) undertaking (especially when it seems the bad guys wield so much power in our modern era—and there needs to be some counter force working against their evil or selfishness).


Power is essentially the ability to make things happen. Simple enough. Yet it is amazing how many of us do not especially feel powerful against the big forces that seem to run this world and run it into the ground.


We are quite aware of how often money and wealth can make things happen. Ditto for the power of propaganda and all manner of knowledge and technology, be it esoteric or mundane. And given how it seems that those with power on this planet are not readily making their power democratic or accessible it means we the majority have to become better attuned to identify those people who have a wizard’s capacity and to capitalize on focusing on such individuals (such as those ascertaining and telling the real truth about events, as opposed to overpaid liars who work for the mainstream media and the corrupt political parties).


Hence there are people who make things happen irrespective as to whether their methods are ethical or not. Sometimes criminals find it easier to break the law and moral imperatives because such methods seems more direct and effective. This is equally true for groups of people, secret societies and even nations (and even religious orders). And know up front these essays are literally arguing that ancient religion has been used and abused to further the power of some over the power of others (often enough in unethical ways). This issue finally needs to be recognized and addressed.


Intelligence agencies, for example, can afford to hire the best and brightest with all the government monies they currently control, and unfortunately their work is not too often to help the common people. For the present it is more difficult to find and hone into highly intelligent and talented people who do good for humanity in general. And to find such people who can not only do a great deal of intellectual work but are able to communicate to the common man is even rarer. Whitney Webb, mentioned above, is one such Intelligence Wizard.


[Note: the word ‘intelligence’ is a simple word. It means to gather relevant information and to use it to solve some kind of issue or problem. We all do intelligence work since we all need to solve problems in our daily lives—even if some of us do not do it as well as do others. Today it is highly essential for people to identify those people who do important intelligence work in the form of investigative journalism regardless of whether they are recognized as such because we live in a dangerous time in history and awareness is such a critical issue for all of us (even those who consider themselves ‘awoke’ when they are really asleep).]



The End of the World as We Know It with Whitney Webb 


It cannot be stressed enough that people around the world and especially here in the United States need to wake up to the most important dangers and conspiracies affecting mankind. Instead they are being diverted with fake and exaggerated topics and prejudices to keep them distracted and at each other’s throats. These people need to focus on the minority of people who are really putting forth news on real, serious and complicated issues haunting humanity.


Medical tyranny continues to come to a location near you in the form of United Nations authoritarianism. Essentially a NWO will decide, for you, your medical future, as well as your rights in general (if any). These are huge changes to the world order or dis-order.

A Globalism of Ideas – Inside the UN’s “Pact for the Future” 


When people should be paying attention to all international plans to control and restrict humanity, such as the United Nations Agenda 2030 and its many pseudo-sustainability goals it is instead being sidelined by exaggerated nationalist stories.


For example, several sources on the Internet have claimed that illegal invaders are being militarily trained in secret camps throughout the United States but they do not provide any real, substantial and verifiable proof to such allegations. And note there is a big difference when illegals being housed in such military camps versus them being militarily trained such to take over the homeland. Why are these allegations, stated as factual, when evidence is so sparse? This question is not arguing this may not be going on, but journalists, or those who play the role, have a duty to provide the evidence.


Equally we hear of more and more stories of ‘endless’ child kidnapping and sexual rings as if the reality is so prevalent that it including thousands of illegal children being sex trafficked in the United States, and yet one’s average cell phone seldom has any alerts to the effect of missing children? Are these allegations of child sex trafficking being deliberated hyped (even if it is true that such things are going on)? Is it wrong to wonder about such reporting and motives? No—because it plays to the political divide between one corrupt political party and the other corrupt party (and those going along with the no choice but the same corrupt duopoly).


To think that the likes of Jim Fetzer, and his Authentic News podcasts at Republican Broadcasting Network, continuously reinforcing the election selection drama—and not a complete rejection of both parties is too foolish and vacuous to sanction. And this guy has a Ph.D. in Science? It is not like this guy doesn’t have the intelligence to know better? Cannot he see, and be honest about how we Americans are screwed with either political candidate? Why does he routinely act like some circus barking clown plugging the election selection when we all lose (and lose big)?


Whereas one website with some communist-like title as ThePeoplesVoiceForTheClueless.Com often makes over the top headlines and then fails to provide verifiable proof. Its talking pundit speaks in a calm and seemingly matter-of-fact delivery when he is really helping destroy the credibility of the right by regularly making outlandish pronouncements without providing verifiable facts. Yet he gets a pass from other websites that link its stories because he plays to the fears and biases on the Christian Right.


So even when conservatives have the upper hand they still have minions trying to bias the headlines with phony and exaggerated claims making statements of fact when the evidence is lacking. This is why society needs to identify the real wizards of investigative journalism who do not succumb to such temptations of exaggerated and dubious claims (or chasing after loss causes).


One such reliable voice who writes about the true police state facts in America is John Whitehead at the Rutherford.Org. He routinely writes of how far this police state has evolved and does not refer to exaggerations. People should know of him and his website that features weekly commentaries.


Judge Napolitano’s podcasts Judging Freedom is a must website at JudgeNap.Com. He routinely interviews several important truth tellers who are experts. If you want to really know what is going on in foreign policy especially you can get familiar with the several people he interviews.


Ron Unz of The Unz Review at Unz.Com is another excellent website to find many outstanding writers focused on telling truth.


There is no way to list all the many relevant sources of worthy news herein. Many news sights feature great writers but also include links of less trustworthiness writers or those who display a good deal of bias. These links are limited to a few sources which routinely select reporters who show evidence of viable and trustworthy opinion (with due diligence to factual matter). Face it: a lot of sources are either promoting the Democrats or the Republicans and few are even trying to be entirely equitable.


Special mention to Ryan Cristian and his website TheLastAmericanVagabond.Com as one source of trustworthy investigative journalism, certainly sharing his opinions but not pawning them as facts when they are not facts. Ryan, given a chance, by the likes of numerous Harry Potter fans, will continue to show, day after day, how to do real investigative journalism. And he’s not afraid to pull punches on the most important and controversial of political matters. Importantly he has not fallen to side with either the left or the right, and instead he tells us reality, as he sees it, regardless of where the cards may fall.


Regarding a play-land of fictional wizardry there is significant attention payed to wizards’ wand and what they are composed and created. For example the various wizards in the Harry Potter series all have unique wands composed of unique materials such as, for example, a dragon’s heart strings. A wand in general focuses and channels power like a source of magic.


Whereas to “cast a spell” is simply the activity of formulating words to influence others. The etymology of ‘spell’ comes to us from 14th century, spellen, “read letter by letter, write or say the letters; the native cognate word is Old English spellian, spillian “to tell, talk, speak, discourse.”


Even the word ‘Gospel’ is supposedly God’s spelled out words (but really formulated by human prophets claiming to speak for God). How do we know for sure those words had anything to do with a real supreme supernatural deity dictating such ideas? The fact is we don’t. We take it on faith.


So what could be some real life interpretation of the fictional wizard’s wand and the casting of a spells? Well we could imagine the wand as a metaphor for how a wizard’s character and demeanor engages in various forms of human and psychic power? How about simply the power to argue or make an meaningful argument (persuasion) for or against some idea (or to utilize drama and persuasion in any meaningful way be it a play or a novel). Surely the manner one communicates and what messages he or she advocates is a form of potentially wielding and concentrating power. For example some people speak with confidence and give evidence they do so grounded in facts as if they know what they are talking about. Whereas some reveal a great deal of cynicism toward mankind’s politics, politicians and forms of government because time and reality has taught them such pessimism is warranted. Attitudes too reinforce one’s character and ability to persuade. Readily pointing out the many lies and forms of fraud routinely found in modern politics lends credibility to the reporter rather than more naïve and green reporters who lack such awareness.


Now consider also that the mythical dragon in Western civilization is often associated with evil due primarily to the Bible in Western tradition in which it is thought to be some rendition of Satan and a snake’s reptilian nature. In Western literature and myth the objective is to simply slay the dragon on the assumption it is already known to be evil. The hero slayer does not even bother to ask the dragon about his story, or his defense, because it seems so obvious in the Western mind he is inevitably the evil one. Just like now Vladimir Putin, and leaders in Iran and the so-called Axis of Resistance, are obviously evil and deserve only to be assassinated—no form of fair trial be needed (even as the idea of real justice is losing its grip in American jurisprudence).


So what then if we were to now learn a new or different interpretation about why the dragon breathes fire and is considered so dangerous? What if those fiery  flames from a dragon is really a dragon breathing (articulating) truth against the immensity of lies that dominate in a given society—burning against the ubiquity of deceit that brainwashes the masses? Certainly then the idea of the inevitability of the evil dragon makes more sense and why there is no attempt to get the dragon’s accounting of reality. It is really another form of censorship by those who wield despotic power.


Surely then any wizard’s wand fashioned from a dragon’s heart strings could be a rather formidable reality? When someone as Ryan Cristian at selects and reports the news, in the fashion that he does, it is no wonder why he is in fact one of the most censored people in the English speaking language. For example, if his reporting on Gaza and the genocide of Palestinians over the last year alone were used in the equivalent of the Nuremberg trials many people would be hanging from the gallows (that is if in any kind of a just world).


Plenty people, especially those caught up in the right versus left paradigm do not understand diverse “actors” with diverse roles are being used and controlled by the Deep State to dominate both political parties, and often enough both parties are being used to play off each other, as to push policies that are detrimental to all (except those who are connected and wealthy). For example, how do we not know if Robert De Niro’s crazy antics and threats against Donald Trump some years ago were not predicated on orders made from Deep State puppet masters? How much of what we assume is factual and based on independent will is really as it seems?


Still we realize there is no perfect fountain of truth. But it is true some people seem to know and advocate for more real and substantiated truth than do others. Yet all human voices are vulnerable to biases, deception and blind spots. Our goal then is to focus on the people who seem to know reality better than those who just like to make noise; because we as a nation have failed and have fallen prey to less levels of awareness that what is really required to save our freedoms. We currently cannot free ourselves from our shackles. We continue to place trust into those which we should not trust and the consequences keep piling up.


Another huge danger most Americans do not seem to grasp is what many religious Jews, themselves, think their own prophesies are meant to inaugurate. While Christians are focused on End Times Book of Revelation and an afterlife Orthodox Jews are waiting for the day when Israel becomes the Center of the World in which the Jewish people dominate the entire human race (here on this planet). There is a schizophrenic split between what Christians think the End Times has in store for them and what Orthodox Jews believe will transpire.


The Jewish New World Order


Chabad & Noahide Laws EXPOSED – Know More News – Adam Green


After watching such videos it is appropriate to ask oneself “How can a supposedly intelligent people become so deluded by their faith in what is essentially an ethnocentric religion?” It is astonishing how millions of people, forever steeped in their illusive dark clouds of omniscient persecution and conspiracy, can have become so misled—and a people who routinely flout how they are presumably some of the most intelligent of all humanity.


Moreover if you listen to the Rabbis in the videos about and elsewhere they have a dominate capacity to never forgive or forget. They zealously maintain any and all resentments against anyone who has ever in reality or in the imagined world of delusion to have betrayed any Jewish person under any circumstance. They still believe many cultures and peoples need to be destroyed and punished for not going along with their own often distorted interpretations of history. What kind of people can never forgive others? How can this possibly bode well for humanity—given how readily modern day Israelis distort reality for their own propaganda purposes?


Does than the entirety of the rest of humanity really want to be ruled by this one ethnicity and their questionable religion—especially now that we can better see their true colors (and all the deceit and ethical violation they use to get their way)?


[Note: When people refer to Satanism they are basically referring to a type of entity that has no respect for any kind of human value, norm or law. One does not have to be motivated by any kind of spiritual or supernatural force to engage in depravity or sin of the highest nature. Evil is a real world activity regardless of any supernatural influence. This is how we have come to realize you cannot trust anything Israelis say regarding who and what they are and are doing. You can only evaluate them by what they actually do (irrespective of their excuses or lies).]


The fact that many Rabbis give evidence of the goals of Israel include dominating the entire planet should awaken everyone into some kind of chilling sobriety. Connected and elite Jews already have enormous influence globally because of their power with wealth and International arrangements.


Whereas many gentile leaders in many countries, especially Western countries, are currently under their influence—be it by donation or bribery, blatant threat, or whatever means it takes to sway them to act in the interests of Israel (including the ability to reveal their secrets taken from their dominance of electronic surveillance). This is a fact. Their power and influence is far above what should be considered equitable.


Why the United States Can NEVER Stop Israel


Other realities to be aware regarding Israeli society includes connections to organized crime; Israel’s current ability to dominate high tech industries (and to literally spy on practically anyone); and Zionist political influence across many countries of the globe using any form of ethical or unethical manner for persuasion.

US Military Intelligence turned into mafia by Israeli & communist infiltrators: Kay Griggs (mashup) edited from 1986 interview:


Also, as mentioned, their desire to dominate all people by way of their chosen religion as oppressive as it may in fact be. Or are they expecting to recruit converts when their Moshiach supposedly comes? They answer is No. You will be forced to stop worshipping other religions. Does this sound like a society of human rights and freedoms? Hardly.


Why are we Americans constantly being told how much Russia, China, Iran, etc., are our enemies? Why are Democrats and Republicans not talking about Israel’s excess of influence in our country (especially when it works against our own interests)?


So given the apparent fact that October 7th was highly manipulated to use as an excuse to rid Palestine of all Palestinians why would anyone want Israelis and Zionist to rule the world?


See new video: Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells Its Destruction Of Gaza by Max Blumenthal (for more lies and real motives):


If then Zionists’ goal is not just dominating a greater Eretz Israel in the Middle East—but rather dominating the entire planet (and killing off those who do not conform to their religious order) why have people not awaken to this deeper, prevalent truth?


One reason is because Zionist Christians especially and Christians in general are mostly focused on their own biblical interpretations as to the future (essentially ignoring what they assume mere myths for other religious interpretations).


Some people think the problem is merely one of so-called “Zionism” (and not ancient Judaism in general) but when you look deeply into the ancient Bible and the Pentateuch (or Torah) there are many of the sins of the Bible (SeeJohn Shelby Spong’s book: The Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bible’s Texts of Hate to Reveal the God of Love by an Episcopalian bishop that clearly shows the Torah is replete with questionably moral dictates supposedly originating from a supreme supernatural God—when it should be obvious to some that some of the Bible’s scriptures were written by some unbalanced minds in order to create a religion that is less than what can be argued to be truly Just and Amicable to all of humanity).


Therefore the political movement of Zionism may be modern but the idea of Jews reclaiming their so-called promised land and rebuilding a Temple is ancient. Some Zionist goals are essential parts of the Judaic religion. There is no obvious black versus white demarcation in which one can announce these believers are righteous and those others are truly misdirected.


So it is not enough to defang Israel of its current military and political power. The world in general needs to take a deep and thorough look at the truth as to what the ancient messages of the Old Testament really represent—and ‘ostracize’ those aspects that violate respect for human dignity.


We need, as earlier parts of this series of articles have argued, need a deep analysis of Abrahamic religions to understand how they related to the psychology of politics (irrespective of any religious or supernatural claims).


No other culture or people in the world honestly believes in modern day Zionism’s goal of killing off the real Palestinians in the Levant, especially in the brutal and barbaric manner in which they are currently doing so.  Zionism has proven itself to be a pariah to humanity. It seems there needs to be much more Reform to Judaism (equally for related religions that push oppressive forms of punishment and ostracism).


It is more important for the modern world to have the Old Testament relegated to that category of old mythologies which once ruled as religions than it is to merely attempt to reform the sick and pariah state of Israelis and its Zionists worldwide.


It may seem radical to essentially condemn a major religion but any honest evaluation of such an overly wrought compilation of scriptures, compiled over many centuries, as written by many individual scribblers, with their many different personalities and outlooks, from within various languages, clearly points to more than to some diversity regarding a moral compass guiding such human influences (hence vulnerable influences). It is not just modern Zionism that needs far more scrutiny—rather it is entire notion of Judaism in general.


When we see modern Israelis gleefully killing and torturing Palestinians, and even recording their sick pleasures, it shows the world a society that is not grounded in truth, justice or a people who truly have lived a history of persecution. These people are unfettered from morality. They practice the satanic power that might makes right no matter how cruel and unusual.


You can find videos and essays describing how chimpanzees of one tribe can and will kill chimpanzees of another tribe. Yet we know these creatures are not chosen for any exceptional destiny or are solely promised a particular parcel of real estate on planet earth. They are simply acting as the animals that they are. Moreover these are not creatures who pretend to have some moral destiny driven by an almighty Supreme Godhead (while they engage to act in the most abhorrent of manners violating anything and everything considered either sacred or worthy such as the wellbeing of vulnerable people).


There is a hackneyed saying about politicians—you know they are lying when their lips are moving. This is especially true for Benjamin Netanyahu. This man is like a Satan when the term Satan means liar. Every time he opens up his mouth in public this man is spewing lies after lies—and yet the mainstream media and the American government still gives him cover?


And yes he is supposedly the author of books on fighting terrorism and yet he was actively involved in the 9/11 attack of the Twin Towers in Manhattan (because it was an Israeli attack in order to motivate the United States to go to war against Israeli enemies—a so-called war on terrorism).


Therefore this Mafioso shyster Netanyahu should be banned from all microphones and cameras since he is now known to be a babbling baboon who almost never tells the truth. Moreover he has been part in terrorist plots around the globe while pretending to be some kind of saint. What a flimflamming con man.


In fact he be leveled with the ax of Thor so as to never be capable of ruling anything greater than maybe even the primate display at the Jerusalem Zoo (where frankly he can move in and continue to babble his incessant lies to hell freezes over).


It is far beyond time when the world needs to free itself from evils that pretend to be Divine Scripture. This universe as we understand it in our modernity is too grandiose and majestic to be limited to such controversial figures as what some religious imaginations have hence forth wrought on innocent peoples of the planet over too many centuries.


It is time for new prophets and newly formed religious guidance or at least reformed religions. Humanity can, if allowed, can give their intuitions a chance to understand a supreme supernatural Godhead that represents real justice and peace, and not simply hiding behind threats, authoritarian pronouncements, and walled off spaces of eternal pain in hell and all other manner of repression (as to why all the torture currently allowed in Israel).




Post Script:  Israel, you and your God, are coming down your mountain. Amen Again.

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